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Routledge handbook of Afro-Latin American studies / edited by Bernd Reiter and John Antón Sánchez.
New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023.
xxxix, 640 pages : illustrations, maps ; 27 cm.
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F1419.B55 R69 2023
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Black people
Latin America
Latin America
Latin America
Race relations
African diaspora
Reiter, Bernd, 1968-
Antón Sánchez, Jhon
Routledge handbooks
[More in this series]
Summary note
"This Handbook provides a comprehensive roadmap to the burgeoning area of Afro-Latin American Studies. Afro-Latins include the civilization phenomenon of the African diaspora in the Americas, which developed during the period of slavery, obtaining cultural contributions from indigenous and European worlds and which today is enriched by new social configurations derived from contemporary migrations from Africa. The essays collected in this volume speak to scientific production that has been promoted in the region from the humanities and social sciences with the aim of understanding the phenomenon of the African Diaspora as a specific civilizing element. With contributions from world-leading figures in their fields overseen by an eminent international editorial board, this Handbook features original, authoritative articles organized in four coherent sections: Disciplinary Studies; Problem Focused fields; Regional and Country Approaches; Pioneers of Afro-Latin American Studies; The Routledge Handbook of Afro-Latin American Studies will not only serve as the major reference text in the area of Afro-Latin American Studies but will also provide the agenda for future new research"-- Provided by publisher.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Disciplinary Studies
Thematic Fields of Study
Regional or country study approaches
Pioneers or classics of Afro-Latin American Studies.
Disciplinary studies. A short history of Afro-Latin American studies, 1890-2020 / George Reid Andrews
The sociocultural anthropology of Afro-Latin America : a brief illustrative history / Kevin A. Yelvington
A global overview of sociological studies on Afro-descendants / Rocío Vera Santos
Afro-Latin American linguistics from African nationalities to American demonyms / Rafael Perea Chalá Alumá
African diaspora archaeology in Latin America : advances and future debates / Daniela C. Balanzátegui Moreno
Logbook to describe the routes of Afro-Latin American literature / Nevis Balanta Castilla
Economic inequalities in life opportunities for Afro-descendants in Latin America : a literary review / Carlos Augusto Viáfara López and Oscar Jehiny Larrahondo Ramos
"Afro-Latin American legal studies" / Tanya Katerí Hernández
"Afro-Latin American politics" / Ollie A. Johnson III
Afro-Latin American geography / Yilver Mosquera-Vallejo
The difficult decolonization of the Latin American psyche / Maria Stella D'Agostini.
Thematic fields of studies. Studies on slavery / Marcelo Rosanova Ferraro
Studies on racialized relations / Peter Wade
Studies on racial classification in Latin America / Edward Telles
Nations, castes, qualities, and races in Latin American viceregal societies : ambiguities in the denomination of Afro-descendant populations / María Elisa Velázquez Gutíerrez
From cordial to structural racism / Flavia Rios and Jaciane Milanezi
Studies on the Black Atlantic and the Black Pacific / Sérgio Costa and Manuel Góngora-Mera
"Afro-descendant territorialities in Latin America" : assertions, processes, and dilemmas / Alexander Huezo and Ulrich Oslender
The Negritude movement in Latin America / Carlos Alberto Valderrama Rentería
Human rights in Afro-Latin America / Kwame Dixon
Afrodescendants, mlulticulturalism, and the adoption of ethnoracial law in Latin America / Jean Muteba Rahier
Studies on democracy and Afro-descendant political participation in Latin America / María Gabriela Iturralde Nieto
Black feminisms in Latin America and the Caribbean : contributions to the state of the art / Anny Ocoró Loango and Rosa Campoalegre Sepien
Patterns of urban racial residential segregation in Latin America, the cases of Brazil and Colombia : a quantitative overview / Fernando Urrea-Giraldo, Valentina Valoyes Vélez, and Luis Gabriel Quiroz Cortés
Afro-Latin American music in perspective : studies and narratives from and toward the territory / Fernando Palacios Mateos
The rise of Afrodiasporic meta-genres and global Afro-Latinx music / Noel Allende-Goitía
African inspired religions in Latin America / Luciana Duccini and Miriam C.M. Rabelo
Challenges for public policies and inclusion of Afro-Latin Americans / Palmira N. Ríos-González
Marronage in the great Caribbean / Pedro Lebrón Ortiz
Black Marxists of Black Marxisms? A decolonial gaze / Ramón Grosfoguel
Studies on demographics and social indicators : Afrodescendants in Latin America and their sociodemographic realities / Paula Lezama
Post-abolition Black migrations : new approaches to the movement of Afro-descendants from colonial times to the present / Darién John Davis.
Regional or country study approaches. Afro-Brazilian studies from a Black perspective / Mário Augusto Medeiros da Silva
Perspectives denied : Afro-descendant studies in Argentina, Chile, and Paraguay / María José Becerra and Diego Buffa
A historical, socio-political and discourse approach to the emerging field of Afroperuvian studies / Mariela Noles Cotito and Sharún Gonzales Matute
Afro-Ecuadorian studies / John Antón Sánchez
Afro-Bolivian past(s) and present(s) in scholarship / Sara Busdiecker
Afro Colombian studies : from the liberal reforms of the 1940s to the COVID-19 era in the 2020s / Aurora Vergara Figueroa and Yoseth Ariza-Araújo
Afro-Panamanian studies / Gersán A. Joseph Garzón
Overcoming invisibility : Afro-descendants in Central America / Carlos Agudelo
From miscegenation policies to constitutional recognition : a state of the art in Afro-Mexican studies / María Camíla Díaz Casas and María Elisa Velázquez Gutiérrez
In defense of Black life : a brief cultural history of anti-racist efforts in Puerto Rico / Hilda Lloréns and Bárbara Abadía-Rexach
Culture race and nation in Afro-Cuban studies : trajectories and challenges of an open field of study / Milena Annecchíaríco
Haitian studies rising / Mariana Past
Afro French Antillean studies / Jacqueline Allain
An introduction to Afro-Dominican studies / Diego Ubiera
Afro-Venezuelan studies in two times : four versions of one reality / Diógenes Díaz.
Pioneers or classics of Afro-Latin American studies. Melville J. Herskovits / Kevin A. Yelvington
Pioneers and continuing contributors of Afro-Cuban studies / Tomás Fernández Robaina
Lélia Gonzalez, an itellectual Afro-Latin American / Flavia Rios
José Carlos Luciano Huapaya (1956-2002) / Ana Lucía Mosquera-Rosado
Aquiles Escalante Polo : anthropologist and educator of Afro-Colombian, Black, Maroon, and indigenous plurality / Rubén Darío Hernández Cassiani
Rogerio Velásquez Murillo : pioneer of an anthropology of Negredumbre / José Antonio Caicedo Ortiz
Jacob Gorender and studies on slavery in Brazil / Mário José Maestri Filho
Manuel Zapata Olivella : a wandering thinker (1920-2004) / William Mina Aragón
Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán, pioneer in the study of the Black population in Mexico / Ángela Yesenia Olaya Requene
Robert Cooper West (1913-2000) / Claudia Leal León
Jean Price-Mars : anti-west resistance, African rapprochement as an approach to humanism and Haitianness / Frantzso Marcelin
René Depestre / Kaiama L. Glover
Abdias Nascimento / Elisa Larkin Nascimento
Race relations in Brazil : Gilberto Freyre as their interpreter / Roberto Motta
E. Franklin Frazier / Livio Sansone
Roger Bastide (1898-1974) in Afro-Brazilian studies / Jocélio Telos dos Santos
Raimundo Nina Rodrigues : the physician and his informants, the scientist and the specialists / Lilia Moritz Schwarcz
Edison Carneiro, between the scientist and the native / Lilia Moritz Schwarcz
Manuel Querino / Sabrina Gledhill
Juan García : "worker of the process" and pioneer of Afro-descendant studies in Ecuador / Rocío Vera Santos
Nina S. de Friedemann and the African shadow / Jaime Arocha
Luz María Martínez Montiel, a Mexican Africanist, pioneer in Afro-Mexican studies / Citlalli Domínguez
Ruth Landes and the interstices of a research field : race and gender relations in Getúlio Vargas's Brazil / Claudia Miranda
Racial prejudice and stigma of disease in the work of Oracy Nogueira / Laura Cavalcanti
Virginia Leone Bicudo : a pioneer in studies on race relations in Brazil / Marcos Chor Maio
Angelina Pollak-Eltz / Missael Duarte Somoza
Beatriz Nascimento : intellectual, activist, and poet / Alex Ratts.
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0367691434 (hardcover)
9780367747282 (paperback)
0367747286 (paperback)
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Routledge handbook of Afro-Latin American studies / edited by Bernd Reiter and John Antón Sánchez.