Artist information: Utagawa Shigetoshi was a minor student of Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858).
Format: Uchiwa-e (fan print).
Item description: The story of Urashima Tarō̄ has many versions, but the basic story is similar to a combination of Rip Van Winkle and Pandora's Box. One day the young boy Urashima saves a turtle from being tormented by local children. A few days later whi.
Provenance: Purchased at one of three 1947 sales at Parke-Bernet or at Gimbels Department Store, New York City.
Signed: Shigetoshi ga.
Source acquisition
Gift of Gillett G. Griffin in honor of Dale Roylance. Given 2008.
Other format(s)
Also available in an electronic version.
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