Detailed map of Crimea and surrounding regions between the northern coast of the Black Sea and Moscow. Shows ports, fortified cities and the mouths of the Danube. Decorative cartouche. An early state, with the original Mercator cartouche.
Relief shown pictorially.
"Cum priuilegio."
Latin text on verso with caption title: Taurica Chersonesus; signature XXIX.
From: Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura. Duisburgi Cliuorum : Sumptibus hæredum Gerardi Mercatoris Rupelmundani, 1595.
Source acquisition
Historic Maps copy is gift of Robert A. McCabe, Princeton class of 1956.
Koeman, C. Atlantes neerlandici (New ed.) 1890:1A.1
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