United States. Army Map Service. Series A.M.S. ; M506
Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section. G.S.G.S. 4413.
Alternate title: Szeged. Lambert conical orthomorphic projection. Danube zone grid. Relief shown by 50 and 100 meter contour intervals and and spot elevations. Reproduced under the direction of the Chief of Engineers by the Army Map Service, U.S. Army, Washington D.C. 1944, from Kodalines of GSGS First Edition (Army/Air) 1944, compiled and drawn by War Office, 1944. With Romanian, Serb and Croat, and Hungarian glossaries. Corrected from intelligence reports up to Mar. 1944. See index. Library holdings for this set are incomplete. Geographic designation for the part of Serbia and Montenegro is given as Yugoslavia.
Language note
In English.
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