Plan of the bay and harbour of Rio-Janeiro on the coast of Brazil [map] / by M. d'Apres ; improved from the observations of Mr. Sampson Hall, chief mate of the Royal Bishop & from the plan of S.A. de Rosa Pinheiro.
Insets: Appearance of the land about the entrance of Rio Janeiro / by Jo. Watson, on board the Royal Captain, August 1761 -- Appearance of the land near the entrance of Rio Janeiro, Gavea bearing west, 6 or 7 leagues distant, taken on board the Pitt, in 1763.
Shows tracks of the Royal Bishop and the Pitt; text includes "Directions for sailing into Rio-Janeiro, by Io. Watson"; "Directions for Rio-Janeiro from the Pitt's journal in 1763"; Mr. Sampson Hall's observations in 1783."
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