Repræsentatio geographica itineris maritimi navis Victoriæ in qua ex personis CCXXXVII finita navigatione rediere tantum XVIII quæ solo indusio tectæ et faces accensas manibus præferentes in basilica hispalensi se voto exsolverunt VII Sept. ann. MDXXII [map].
Hemispherical map of the world viewed from the Arctic showing the tracks of Magellan in 1522. He died en route in the Phillipines on 27 April 1521. Australia appears as Nova Hollandia.
Illustrations on side panels.
Text in decorative cartouche: Navis dicta Victoria duce Magellane prima circumvecia per orbem terraqueu[m] diebus 1124.
From: Atlas novus. [Munich, 1702-1710]
Date from Shirley.
Shirley, R. Mapping of the world 626
Other title(s)
Repraesentatio geographica itineris maritimi navis Victoriae
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