Musical notebook, 1727.

Gerber, Heinrich Nikolaus, 1702-1775 [Browse]
Manuscript, Book
  • German
  • Italian
1 v. (62 leaves); 33 cm.


Copies in the Library

Location Call Number Status Location Service Notes
Special Collections - Manuscripts Collection C0199 no. 423q Browse related items Reading Room Request


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    Biographical/​Historical note
    Heinrich Nikolaus Gerber, 1702-1775, was court organist at Sondershausen from 1731 until his death in 1775. During this time he composed music for the clavier, organ, and harp. He also made musical instruments. Among his inventions was a xylophone played from a keyboard.
    Summary note
    Musical notebook, compiled and written by Gerber, a student of Johann Sebastian Bach at Leipzig. According to the biographical account by his son, Gerber returned to his home in 1727 and set down many of the things he had learned at Leipzig, as well as his own compositions. Includes two organ specifications (front flyleaf and back flyleaf), possibly for the organ at Leipzig. In addition to anonymous compositions, the notebook includes compositions said to be by German composers Johann Heinrich Buttstett, Johann Valent Eckelt, and Johann Adolf Scheibe.
    Source acquisition
    Gift; of William H. Scheide, Oct. 12, 1960. Acc. no. AM 16915.
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    Also available in an electronic version.
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    Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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