1. A Short Dialogue between Some Parents and One of their Children: Wherein is shewn, Some of the Reasons of Vices Children are addicted to, so far as they spring from Education, which may in great Measure be avoided. The whole composed so as to render it not only instructing, but very diverting. Per Juvenem Spectantem. Printed in the Year 1760. [Browse] [New England?], 1760. Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library Bookmark
2. Germ theory for babies / Chris Ferrie, Neal Goldstein, and Joanna Suder. Ferrie, Chris [Browse] Naperville, Illinois : Sourcebooks eXplore, [2021]©2021 Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-97124 Moveables unprocessed Bookmark
3. Blockchain for babies / Chris Ferrie and Marco Tomamichel. Ferrie, Chris [Browse] [Naperville, Ill.] : Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, [2019]©2019 Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-97123 Moveables unprocessed Bookmark
4. Quantum entanglement for babies / Chris Ferrie. Ferrie, Chris [Browse] [United States] : Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc., [2017] Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-97113 Moveables unprocessed Bookmark
5. Pandemics for babies / Chris Ferrie, Neal Goldstein, and Joanna Suder. Ferrie, Chris [Browse] Naperville : Sourcebooks eXplore, [2020] Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-97111 Moveables unprocessed Bookmark
6. Statistical physics for babies / Chris Ferrie. Ferrie, Chris [Browse] Guangdong, Province, China : Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. [2018] Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-97103 Moveables unprocessed Bookmark
7. Astrophysics for babies / Chris Ferrie and Julia Kregenow. Ferrie, Chris [Browse] [Naperville, Illinois] : Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc., [2018]©2018 Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-97102 Moveables unprocessed Bookmark
8. Quantum physics for babies / Chris Ferrie. Ferrie, Chris [Browse] [Napierville, IL] : Sourcebooks eXplore, [2017]©2017 Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-97101 Moveables unprocessed Bookmark
9. General relativity for babies / Chris Ferrie. Ferrie, Chris [Browse] [Naperville, IL] : Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, [2017]©2016 Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-97100 Moveables unprocessed Bookmark
10. Newtonian physics for babies / Chris Ferrie. Ferrie, Chris [Browse] [Naperville, IL] : Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, [2017]©2017 Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-97098 Moveables unprocessed Bookmark
11. Hearth and home. New York, N.Y. : [Perrengill, Bates & Co.], 1868-1875 Journal Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Flat Files 23Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Cotsen Children's Library. Special Collections Use Only » Storypapers Bookmark
12. Rocket science for babies / Chris Ferrie. Ferrie, Chris [Browse] Naperville, IL : Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, [2017] Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-97009 Moveables unprocessed Bookmark
13. Sehr leichte neuerfündene Art die Kinder das französische A.B.C. buchstabiren und die Ortographie besagter Sprache in kurtzer zeit zu lehren = Methode trés facile et nouvellement inventée, pour apprendre aux enfans en peu de tems l'A.B.C. françois, à epeler, et l'ortographie de la dite langue. Platz, Georg Philipp, active 1720 [Browse] [Nuremberg] : Joh. Christ. Weigel, excudit Norimb., [approximately 1720?] Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library Bookmark
14. Hunters of the great forest / Dennis Nolan. Nolan, Dennis, 1945- [Browse] New York : Roaring Brook Press, 2014. Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-96577 Eng 21Q unprocessed Bookmark
15. Mr. Wuffles! / David Wiesner. Wiesner, David [Browse] New York : Clarion Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013. Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-96536 Eng 21Q unprocessed Bookmark
16. Jazper / by Richard Egielski. Egielski, Richard [Browse] New York : Laura Geringer Books, ©1998. Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-96509 Eng 20Q unprocessed Bookmark
17. I will always be your bunny : love from the Velveteen Rabbit / by Frances Gilbert ; illustrated by Julianna Swaney. Gilbert, Frances, 1969- [Browse] New York : Doubleday Books for Young Readers, [2019] Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-96499 Eng 21 unprocessed Bookmark
18. The Arabic quilt : an immigrant story / written by Aya Khalil ; illustrated by Anait Semirdzhyan. Khalil, Aya [Browse] Thomaston, Maine : Tilbury House Publishers, [2020]©2020 Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-96447 Eng 21 unprocessed Bookmark
19. The quiet crocodile goes to the beach / Natacha Andriamirado ; Delphine Renon. Andriamirado, Natacha, 1969- [Browse] New York : Princeton Architectural Press, [2019]©2019 Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-96446 Oblong unprocessed Bookmark
20. The Underhills : a Tooth Fairy story / Bob Graham. Graham, Bob, 1942- [Browse] Somerville, Massachusetts : Candlewick Press, 2019.©2019 Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » Alma-96444 Eng 21Q unprocessed Bookmark