1. Gulf of Mexico physical oceanography program [microform] : final report, years 1 and 2 / prepared by Science Applications International Corp. under contract no. 14-12-0001-29158 for Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico Regional OCS Office, Dept. of the Interior. SAIC report ; 86/1022, 1023 Metairie, La. : The Office, [1986] Book Loading...Lewis Library - Microforms » I 72.12/2:G 95/2/v. 1-
2. Steam generator operating experience update. SAIC report Washington, D.C. : Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ; Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service [distributor] Journal Loading...Lewis Library - Microforms » Y 3.N 88:25/
3. Monitoring cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1996 / submitted to Regulatory Branch, New England District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; submitted by Science Applications International Corporation ; prepared by John T. Morris. SAIC report ; no. SAIC 385. Morris, John T. [Browse] Concord, MA : The Corps, [1998] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TC187 .D57 no. 120
4. Monitoring cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1996 / submitted to Regulatory Branch, New England District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; submitted by Science Applications International Corporation ; prepared by John T. Morris. SAIC report ; no. SAIC 383. Morris, John T. [Browse] Concord, MA : The Corps, [1998] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TC187 .D57 no. 119
5. Oceanographic measurements at the Portland disposal site during Spring of 1996 / submitted to Regulatory Branch, New England District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; prepared by Scott E. McDowell, Stephen D. Pace ; submitted by Science Applications International Corporation. SAIC report ; no. 388. McDowell, Scott E. [Browse] [Concord, MA : The Corps, 1998] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TC187 .D57 no. 121
6. The Portland disposal site capping demonstration project, 1995-1997 / submitted to Regulatory Branch, New England District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; prepared by John T. Morris, Heather L. Saffert and Peggy Myre Murray ; submitted by Science Applications International Corporation. SAIC report ; no. 402. Morris, John T. [Browse] Concord, MA : The Corps, [1998] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TC187 .D57 no. 123
7. Baseline survey of the reconfigured Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, 14 September 1993 / submitted to Regulatory Division, New England Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; submitted by Science Applications International Corporation ; prepared by Ed DeAngelo, Peggy Murray. SAIC report ; no. 317. DeAngelo, Ed. [Browse] Waltham, MA : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Regulatory Divison, [1997] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TC187 .D57 no. 115
8. Monitoring cruise at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, August 1994 / submitted to Regulatory Branch, New England Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; submitted by Science Applications International Corporation ; prepared by Peggy Murray. SAIC report ; no. 330. Murray, Peggy M. [Browse] Waltham, MA : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, [1997] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TC187 .D57 no. 116
9. Monitoring cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, August 1993 / submitted to Regulatory Division, New England Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; submitted by Science Applications International Corporation ; prepared by Judith Charles, Gregory J. Tufts. SAIC report ; no. 325. Charles, Judith B. [Browse] Waltham, MA : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, [1997] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TC187 .D57 no. 114
10. Bathymetric and subbottom survey at the Cornfield Shoals disposal site, July 8, 1994 / submitted to Regulatory Division, New England Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; prepared by Mary Baker Wiley ; submitted by Science Applications International Corporation. SAIC report ; no. 321. Wiley, Mary Baker [Browse] Waltham, MA (424 Trapelo Rd., Waltham 02254-9149) : The Corps, [1996] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TC187 .D57 no. 110
11. Monitoring cruise at the Boston Lighthouse disposal site, August 1994 / submitted to Regulatory Division, New England Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; prepared by Ed DeAngelo ; submitted by Science Applications International Corporation. SAIC report ; no. 328. DeAngelo, Ed. [Browse] Waltham, MA (424 Trapelo Rd., Waltham 02254-9149) : The Corps, [1996] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TC187 .D57 no. 113
12. Monitoring surveys of the New Haven capping project, 1993-1994 / submitted to Regulatory Division, New England Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; prepared by John T. Morris, Judith Charles, David C. Inglin ; submitted by Science Applications International Corporation. SAIC report ; no. 319. Morris, John T. [Browse] Waltham, MA (424 Trapelo Road, Waltham 02254-9149) : The Corps, [1996] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TC187 .D57 no. 111