1. Address of Hon. John Jay Knox, Comptroller of the Currency, before the Merchants Association of Boston, November 27, 1880. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 1193. Knox, John Jay, 1828-1892 [Browse] [New York : s.n., 1881?] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 1193
2. An Address on banking in Wisconsin, delivered at the convention of the American Bankers' Association, held at Saratoga, August 11th, 12th, and 13th, 1880 / by John Johnston, of Milwaukee. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 1058. Johnston, John, 1836-1904 [Browse] [s.l. : s.n., 1880] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 1058
3. The British credit system : inflated bank credit as a substitute for "current money of the realm" : the way "to pay debts without moneys" and to make "the rich richer and the poor poorer" / by Henry Carey Baird. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 881. Baird, Henry Carey, 1825-1912 [Browse] Philadelphia : Baird, 1875. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 881
4. Cannot a solid currency, ever exchangeable for specie, take silver and gold out of politics, divorce the government from banks and bonds, and pay the national debt / [author of "American epic"]. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 109. Welburn, Drummond, b. 1818 [Browse] Nashville : Care Pub. House, [189-?] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 109
5. Cash or credit? : a solution of the money problem / by Paul Tyner. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 586. Tyner, Paul [Browse] Madison, Wis. : Impress, 1895. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 586
6. Cycloidal configurations, or, The harvest of counterfeiters, containing matter of the highest importance concerning paper money, also explaining the unit system of bank note engraving / by W.L. Ormsby. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 448. Ormsby, W. L. (Waterman Lilly), 1809-1883 [Browse] New York : Ormsby, [186-?] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 448
7. The dangers to be apprehended from a debased silver coinage in the United States of America, and the injustice it inflicts on the community, and especially on the farmers and labouring classes, as illustrated by the evils which afflicted England in the latter part of the seventeenth century, growing out of the clipped or depreciated silver coins then in circulation in that country : extracted from Lord Macaulay's History of England. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 340. Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859 [Browse] [s.l. : s.n.], 1896 (New York : Evening Post Job Print. House) Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 340
8. A Fair trial. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 1712. National Budget Committee [Browse] New York : National Budget Committee, [1921] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 1712
9. The Federal budget can be balanced now! : where to find $11.3 billion of challengeable spending in the federal budget for 1947. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 1691. Citizens National Committee [Browse] Washington : Citizens National Committee, [1947] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 1691
10. Financial catechism / by Jas. P. Cadman. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 98. Cadman, James P. [Browse] Chicago : National Bimetallist, [189-?] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 98
11. General Clingman's message to the Senate and House of Representatives. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 103. Clingman, T. L. (Thomas Lanier), 1812-1897 [Browse] [s.l. : s.n., 187-?] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 103
12. Government finance : an address delivered at Vineland, New Jersey, September 13th and 18th, 1874, showing the evils of class legislation by Congress, by the issue of National Bank notes & non-taxable bonds, also advocating the resumption of specie payments, and suggesting practical legislation to place our national finances on a basis of right and justice to which is added explanations of other financial matters interesting and valuable / by Amasa Whitney Carr. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 1128. Carr, Amasa Whitney [Browse] [s.l. : s.n.], 1875 (Philadelphia : Inquirer Book and Job Print.) Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 1128
13. Government or banks, which should control the people's money? Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 225. [Philadelphia? : Monetary Reform Association, 189-?] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 225
14. Letter addressed to the legislators of the several states, composing the federal union, recommending an uniform continental currency, with rules for calculating in dollars and cents, also, a table shewing the weight and value of sundry coins, etc., in the same / by the author of the Stranger's assistant, and the Intercourse of nations. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 347. New York : Printed for the author by Mott & Lyon, [1979?] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 347
15. National bank circulation : speech of Hon. Zachariah Chandler, of Michigan, in the Senate of the United States, February 18, 1874. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 764. Chandler, Zachariah, 1813-1879 [Browse] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 764
16. [Open letter to Governor Lucius Fairchild, of Wisconsin, on the currency question]. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 698. [s.l. : s.n., between 1866 and 1872] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 698
17. An open letter to President R.B. Hayes / by Peter Cooper. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 121. Cooper, Peter, 1791-1883 [Browse] [New York : s.n., 1872] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 121
18. A Panic preventive. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 447. [s.l. : s.n., 18--?] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 447
19. Plain facts for independent men. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 1430. Newburgh, N.Y. : Printed at the Gazette Office, [1834] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 1430
20. A question of finance / by Lucien Stebbins. Pamphlets in American history. Finance ; F 258. Stebbins, Lucien [Browse] [Chicago : People's Press, between 1908 and 1912] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICROFICHE 898 F 258