1. 岩波映画の1億フレーム = Images of postwar Japan : the documentary films of Iwanami Productions / 丹羽美之, 吉見俊哉編. Iwanami Eiga no 1-oku furēmu = Images of postwar Japan : the documentary films of Iwanami Productions / Niwa Yoshiyuki, Yoshimi Shun'ya hen. Kiroku eiga ākaibu ; 1., 記錄映画アーカイブ ; 1., Kiroku eiga ākaibu ; 1 = Documentary film archives series ; vol. 1, 記錄映画アーカイブ ; 1 = Documentary film archives series ; vol. 1 Tōkyō : Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai, 2012.東京 : 東京大学出版会, 2012. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PN1995.9.D6 I93 2012
2. 戦後史の切断面 : 公害・若者たちの叛乱・大阪万博 = Images of postwar Japan : pollution, youth rebellion, and the Osaka Exhibition / 丹羽美之, 吉見俊哉編. Sengoshi no setsudanmen : kōgai, wakamonotachi no hanran, Ōsaka Banpaku = Images of postwar Japan : pollution, youth rebellion, and the Osaka Exhibition / Niwa Yoshiyuki, Yoshimi Shun'ya hen. Kiroku eiga ākaibu ; 3., 記錄映画アーカイブ ; 3., Kiroku eiga ākaibu ; 3 = Documentary film archives series ; vol. 3, 記錄映画アーカイブ ; 3 = Documentary film archives series ; vol. 3 Tōkyō : Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai, 2018.東京 : 東京大学出版会, 2018. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PN1995.9.D6 S39 2018Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage: Video Collection » DVD
3. 戦後復興から高度成長へ : 民主教育・東京オリンピック・原子力発電 = Images of postwar Japan : from reconstruction to high growth / 丹羽美之, 吉見俊哉編. Sengo fukkō kara kōdo seichō e : minshu kyōiku, Tōkyō Orinpikku, genshiryoku hatsuden = Images of postwar Japan : from reconstruction to high growth / Niwa Yoshiyuki, Yoshimi Shun'ya hen. Kiroku eiga ākaibu ; 2., 記錄映画アーカイブ ; 2., Kiroku eiga ākaibu ; 2 = Documentary film archives series ; vol. 2, 記錄映画アーカイブ ; 2 = Documentary film archives series ; vol. 2 Tōkyō : Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai, 2014.東京 : 東京大学出版会, 2014. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PN1995.9.D6 S38 2014