1. Against hatred between nations : Romanians and Hungarians = Contra dușmăniei dintre nații : români și unguri / Nicolae Iorga. Iorga, Nicolae, 1871-1940 [Browse] Iași : Romanian Cultural Foundation, 1994. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » DR279.92.H8 I668 1994
2. A History of Romania / edited by Kurt W. Treptow ; [authors, Ioan Bolovan ... et al.]. Iași : The Center for Romanian Studies, The Romanian Cultural Foundation, 1996. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DR217 .H57 1996b
3. Nicolae Iorga : a biography / Nicholas M. Nagy-Talavera. Nagy-Talavera, Nicholas M., 1929- [Browse] Iasi : Center for Romanian Studies, 1996. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS216.9.I5 N34 1996g
4. Romania and World War II = România si cel de-al doilea război mondial / Kurt W. Treptow, editor. Iasi : Centrul de Studii Românesti : Fundatia Culturală Română, 1996. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JFD 02-14892
5. Ciocnire deasupra româniei : politica anglo-americană față de România, 1938-1947 / Paul D. Quinlan ; traducere de Gheorghe Onișoru. Quinlan, Paul D. [Browse] Iași : Centrul de Studii Română, Fundația Culturală Roman̂ă, 1995. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DR264 .Q5619 1995x
6. Romania at the Paris Peace Conference : a study of the diplomacy of Ioan I.C. Brătianu / Sherman David Spector. Spector, Sherman David, 1927-2008 [Browse] Iaşi : Center for Romanian Studies, Romanian Cultural Foundation, 1995. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » D651.R6 S64 1995x
7. The Jewish population in Romania during World War II = Populația evreiască din România în timpul celui de-al doilea război mondial / Sabin Manuilă and Wilhelm Filderman. Manuilă, Sabin, 1894-1964 [Browse] Iași : Romanian Cultural Foundation, 1994. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS135.R9 M27 1994
8. A short history of Bessarabia and northern Bucovina / Ion Alexandrescu ; introduction by Kurt W. Treptow. Alexandrescu, Ion [Browse] Iaşi : Romanian Cultural Foundation, 1994. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DK509.54 .A54 1994g