1. Remaking Communities and Adult Learning : Social and Community-Based Learning, New Forms of Knowledge and Action for Change / Rob Evans, Ewa Kurantowicz, and Emilio Lucio-Villegas. Evans, Rob, 1953- [Browse] Leiden, The Netherlands : Koninklijke Brill NV, [2022]©2022 Book Online Brillonline Open Access Books Bookmark
2. Discourses, Dialogue and Diversity in Biographical Research : An Ecology of Life and Learning / Alan Bainbridge, Laura Formenti, and Linden West. Bainbridge, Alan [Browse] Leiden, The Netherlands : Koninklijke Brill NV, [2021]©2021 Book Bookmark
3. Doing Critical and Creative Research in Adult Education : Case Studies in Methodology and Theory / edited by Bernie Grummell and Fergal Finnegan. Leiden, The Netherlands : Brill Sense, [2020]©2020 Book Bookmark
4. Power and possibility : adult education in a diverse and complex world / edited by Fergal Finnegan and Bernie Grummell. Leiden ; Boston : Brill Sense, [2020] Book Online JSTOR Books Open Access Bookmark
5. Power and Possibility : Adult Education in a Diverse and Complex World / edited by Fergal Finnegan and Bernie Grummell. Leiden, The Netherlands : Brill Sense, [2020]©2020 Book Bookmark
6. The Societal Unconscious : Psychosocial Perspectives on Adult Learning / edited by Henning Salling Olesen. Leiden, The Netherlands : Brill Sense, [2020]©2020 Book Bookmark
7. Continuity and discontinuity in learning careers : potentials for a learning space in a changing world / edited by Barbara Merrill [and three others]. Merrill, Barbara [Browse] Brill 2018Leiden, The Netherlands ; Boston : Brill Sense, [2018]©2018 Book Bookmark
8. Researching and Transforming Adult Learning and Communities / edited by Rob Evans, Ewa Kurantowicz, Emilio Lucio-Villegas. Brill 2016Rotterdam : SensePublishers : Imprint: SensePublishers, 2016. Book Bookmark
9. Researching and Transforming Adult Learning and Communities : The Local/Global Context / Rob Evans, Ewa Kurantowicz, Emilio Lucio-Villegas. Leiden, Boston : Brill | Sense, 2016. Book Online JSTOR Books Open Access Bookmark
10. Private World(s) : Gender and Informal Learning of Adults / edited by Joanna Ostrouch-Kami ; Cristina C. Vieira. Leiden ; Boston : Brill | Sense, 2015. Book Online JSTOR Books Open Access Bookmark
11. Private World(s) : Gender and Informal Learning of Adults / edited by Joanna Ostrouch-Kamińska, Cristina C. Vieira. Brill 2015Rotterdam : SensePublishers : Imprint: SensePublishers, 2015. Book Bookmark
12. Working and Learning in Times of Uncertainty : Challenges to Adult, Professional and Vocational Education / edited by Sandra Bohlinger, Ulrika Haake, Christian Helms Jørgensen, Hanna Toiviainen, AndreasWallo Wallo. Brill 2015Rotterdam : SensePublishers : Imprint: SensePublishers, 2015. Book Bookmark
13. Working and Learning in Times of Uncertainty : Challenges to Adult, Professional and Vocational Education / Sandra Bohlinger, Ulrika Haake, Christian Helms Jørgensen, Hanna Toiviainen, Andreas Wallo. Leiden, Boston : Brill | Sense, 2015. Book Online JSTOR Books Open Access Bookmark
14. Adult Education Policy and the European Union : Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives / edited by Marcella Milana and John Holford. Rotterdam, The Netherlands : Sense Publishers, [2014]©2014 Book Bookmark
15. Learning across generations in Europe : contemporary issues in older adult education / edited by Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha, Sabina Jelenc Krasovec and Marvin Formosa. Rotterdam, Netherlands : Sense Publishers, 2014.©2014 Book Bookmark
16. Learning across Generations in Europe : Contemporary Issues in Older Adult Education / Edited by Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha; Sabina Jelenc Krašovec; Marvin Formosa. Leiden; Boston : Brill | Sense, 2014. Book Online JSTOR Books Open Access Bookmark