1. Report on the mound explorations of the Bureau of Ethnology [electronic resource] / Cyrus Thomas ; introduction by Bruce D. Smith. Thomas, Cyrus, 1825-1910 [Browse] Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1985. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
2. Tribes of western Washington & northwestern Oregon [electronic resource] / by George Gibbs, Wm. F. Tolmie & G. Mengarini. Gibbs, George [Browse] Seattle, Wash. : Shorey, 1970. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
3. Plane and solid analytic geometry [electronic resource] / by William F. Osgood and William C. Graustein. Osgood, William F. (William Fogg), 1864-1943 [Browse] New York : Macmillan Co., 1930 [c1921] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
4. Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, or, Quadripartite [electronic resource] : being four books of the influence of the stars : newly translated from the Greek paraphrase of Proclus with a preface, explanatory notes and an appendix containing extracts from the Almagest of Ptolemy and the whole of his Centiloquy together with a short notice of Mr. Ranger's Zodiacal planisphere and an explanatory plate / by J.M. Ashmand. Ptolemy, active 2nd century [Browse] London : W. Foulsham, [1929] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
5. Gilbert White [electronic resource] : pioneer, poet, and stylist / by Walter Johnson. Johnson, Walter, 1867- [Browse] London : J. Murray, [1928] (W. Clowes and Sons, Ltd.) Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
6. Evolution [electronic resource] : the way of man / by Vernon Kellogg. Kellogg, Vernon L. (Vernon Lyman), 1867-1937 [Browse] New York : D. Appleton and Co., 1926 [c1924] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
7. Beknopte Analytische Meetkunde. A, Het platte vlak. B, De ruimte [electronic resource] / door J.G. Rutgers. Rutgers, Johannes George [Browse] Groningen : P. Noordhoff, 1925. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
8. Bridge engineering [electronic resource] / by J.A.L. Waddell. Waddell, J. A. L. (John Alexander Low), 1854-1938 [Browse] New York : J. Wiley & Sons, Inc. ; London : Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1925 [c1916] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
9. Calculus of variations [electronic resource] / by Gilbert Ames Bliss. Bliss, Gilbert Ames, 1876-1951 [Browse] Chicago, Ill. : For the Mathematical Association of America by the Open Court Pub. Co., c1925 (University of Chicago Press) Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
10. The colorist [electronic resource] : designed to correct the commonly held theory that red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors, and to supply the much needed easy method of determining color harmony : together with a system of color nomenclature and other practical information for artists and workers or designers in colors / by J. Arthur H. Hatt. Hatt, J. Arthur H. (Joseph Arthur Henry), 1861- [Browse] New York : D. Van Nostrand Co., 1925 [c1913] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
11. Concerning evolution [electronic resource] / by J. Arthur Thomson. Thomson, J. Arthur (John Arthur), 1861-1933 [Browse] New Haven : Yale University Press, 1925. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
12. Connecting induction motors [electronic resource] : the practical application of a designing engineer's experience to the problems of operating engineers, armature winders and repair men, also the presentation to students of practical questions arising in winding and connecting alternating current motors / by A.M. Dudley. Dudley, Adolphus Mansfield, 1877- [Browse] New York : McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1925 (York, Pa. : Maple Press Co.) Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
13. Das deutsche Telegraphen-, Fernsprech- und Funkwesen 1899-1924 [electronic resource]. Berlin : Reichsdruckerei, 1925. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
14. Electric railway practices in 1924 [electronic resource] : summary of most significant features of presentations made by electric railways, August 15, 1924, to the Charles A. Coffin Foundation / edited by Henry H. Norris for the Foundation. American Electric Railway Association. Charles A. Coffin Prize Committee [Browse] New York : American Electric Railway Association, 1925. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
15. Engineering and operating suggestions for the standardizing and electrical laboratories of the public utility [electronic resource] : dedicated to the advancement of the electrical laboratory of the public utility / by E.S. Lincoln, in co-operation with the engineering staff of the Weston Electrical Instrument Corporation, Newark, New Jersey. Lincoln, E. S. (Edwin Stoddard), 1885- [Browse] Newark, N.J. : Weston Electrical Instrument Corp., c1925. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
16. Evolution and genetics [electronic resource] / by Thomas Hunt Morgan. Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 1866-1945 [Browse] Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1925 (London : H. Milford) Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
17. Evolution in the light of modern knowledge [electronic resource] : a collective work. New York : Van Nostrand, 1925 (Great Britain) Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
18. Foundations of bridges and buildings [electronic resource] / by Henry S. Jacoby ... and Roland P. Davis. Jacoby, Henry Sylvester, 1857-1955 [Browse] New York : McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1925. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
19. General catalog no. 31 [electronic resource] / Iron City Electric Company. Iron City Electric Co. [Browse] Pittsburgh, Pa. : The Company, [ca. 1925?] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark
20. Le Grand Ampère [electronic resource] : d'après des documents inédits / Louis de Launay. Launay, L. de (Louis), 1860-1938 [Browse] Paris : Libr. Academique Perrin, 1925. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925. Bookmark