1. Final report on the census enumeration made in the colony of Mauritius and its dependencies on 11th June, 1944 under the direction of M. Koenig. [Port Louis, Mauritius : J.H. Bowkett, Govt. Printer, 1945] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
2. VII recenseamento geral da população da colónia de Cabo Verde em 1940 Cape Verde. Serviços de Estatística [Browse] [Praia] : Impr. Nacional de Cabo Verde, 1945-1948. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
3. Censo geral da população, 1940 Angola. Repartição de Estatística Geral [Browse] Luanda : Imprensa Nacional, 1941-1947. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
4. Census of the population of Southern Rhodesia, 6th May, 1941. Pt. I, Population of Southern Rhodesia [S.l. : s.n., 1941?] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
5. Résultats statistiques du recensement général de la population effectué le 8 mars 1936. France. Statistique générale [Browse] Paris : Impr. nationale, 1938-1944. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
6. Dénombrement de la population civile européenne et tunisienne en Tunisie au 12 mars 1936 / Régence de Tunis-Protectorat français, Direction de l'intérieur. Tunis : Société anonyme de l'imprimerie rapide, 1936. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
7. Résultats statistiques du recensement de la population de la zone Française de l'empire Chérifien effectué le 8 Mars 1936. Rabat [Morocco] : Thévenin, 1936. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
8. Church news Church of the Province of South Africa. Journal Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
9. VII censimento generale della popolazione, 21 aprile 1931-IX. Volume V, Colonie e possedimenti Istituto centrale di statistica del regno d'Italia [Browse] Roma : Tipografia I. Failli, 1935. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
10. Census returns 1931 published by command of His Excellency the Governor ; [prepared by Mr. A. Walter]. Uganda [Browse] Entebbe : Printed by the Government Printer, Uganda, 1933. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
11. Final report on the census enumeration made in the colony of Mauritius and its dependencies on April 26th, 1931 under the direction of M. Koenig. [Port Louis, Mauritius : R.W. Brooks, Govt. Printer, 1933] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
12. Census of Nigeria, 1931 published on behalf of the government of Nigeria by the Crown agents for the colonies. Nigeria. Census (1931) [Browse] London : [s.n.], 1932-1933. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
13. Census of the native population of Tanganyika territory, 1931 Tanganyika. Secretariat [Browse] Dar Es Salaam : Govt. Printer, 1932. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
14. Report and summary of the census of Gambia, 1931. Gambia. Census Controller [Browse] Bathurst : Printed by the Gov. Printer, 1932. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
15. Report on the census of Nyasaland, 1931 Nyasaland. Superintendent of Census [Browse] Zomba, Nyasaland : Govt. Printer, 1932. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
16. Report on the non-native census enumeration made in the colony and protectorate of Kenya on the night of the 6th March, 1931 under the direction of A. Walter. Kenya. Census Office [Browse] Nairobi : Govt. Printer, 1932. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
17. Report on the non-native census taken in the territory on the night of the 26th April, 1931 Tanzania [Browse] Dar Es Salaam : Government Printer, 1932. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
18. Résultats statistiques du recensement de la population de la zone Française de l'empire Chérifien effectué le 8 Mars 1931. Morocco. Service de l'Administration Générale du travail et d l'ssisstance [Browse] Rabat : Impr. Nouvelle, 1932. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
19. Census for the year 1931 Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles : G.P.O., 1931. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark
20. Census of the island of St. Helena in 1931 Saint Helena [Browse] St. Helena : B.E. Grant, govt. printer, 1931. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture Bookmark