1. An historical journal of the American war, 1765-1784. [electronic resource] / By Thomas Pemberton. Pemberton, Thomas, 1728-1807 [Browse] [Boston] : Printed by Samuel Hall, no. 53 Cornhill, Boston., 1793 [i.e., 188-?] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
2. Die Kirche Gottes. [electronic resource] / Geschrieben von Johann Conrad Beissel, an Peter Becker. Ephrata deu [sic] 20ten des 3ten Monats 1756. Beissel, Conrad, 1690-1768 [Browse] [Snow Hill, Pa. : Printed by the Snow Hill Community, 1859] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
3. Reminiscence of Washington. [electronic resource] : Hymn, written by John S. Gardner [i.e., Gardiner], by request of the committee of arrangements, and sung in the Old South Church, January 9, 1800, at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Boston, to commeomorate the virtues of the Father of His Country, who died on the 11th of the preceding month. Gardiner, John Sylvester John, 1765-1830 [Browse] [Boston] : For sale by Redding & Co., 8 State Street, Boston., Price, 3 cents. A liberal discount to the trade., [between 1843 and 1863] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
4. Berquin's Child's own story book [electronic resource]. Berquin, M. (Arnaud), 1747-1791 [Browse] Boston: : Published by Johnson & Co., [184-?] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
5. Expostulatory letter to George Washington, of Virginia, [electronic resource] / by Edward Rushton, of Liverpool, February 20, 1797. Rushton, Edward, 1756-1814 [Browse] [New York? : s.n., ca. 1835] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
6. Ein Neu Trauer-Lied, [electronic resource] : wie man vernom̄en von einem Menschen, der von dem Tod ist wieder kom̄en. : Die Melodie thut so anfangen: Ihr Sünder kommt gegangen. [Pennsylvania? : s.n., ca. 1830] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
7. Ein schönes Lied, welches auf Noten ist, in J. Dolls deutschem Notenbuch, Pagia 66. [electronic resource] : Mel. Nun sich der Tag geend. Doll, Joseph [Browse] [Pennsylvania : s.n., 183-] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
8. To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled. [electronic resource] : The memorial and petition of the subscribers, merchants, respectfully sheweth: that, among the multiplied injuries inflicted by the belligerents on the commerce of the United States ... between and during the years 1793 and 1801 ... were to your memorialists, peculiarly injurious. ... [United States : s.n., 183-?] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
9. Lamentation for Gen. Washington [electronic resource] : commander in chief of the combined forces of America and France during the Revolutionary War, and afterwards president of the U.S.--died Dec, 14, 1799. [Boston] : Sold wholesale and retail by L. Deming, no. 1 Market Square corner, of Merchant's Row, Boston,, [between 1828 and 1840] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
10. The calendar of nature; [electronic resource] : designed for the instruction and entertainment of young persons. / By J. Aikin. Aikin, John, 1747-1822 [Browse] New-York: : Published by Samuel Wood & Sons, no. 261, Pearl-Street; and Samuel S. Wood & Co. no 212, Market-Street, Baltimore., [ca. 1820] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
11. Ein neues Lied, [electronic resource] : welches auf eine sonderbare Art gemacht ist, wenn man den ersten Buchstaben von jedem Verse nimmt; vom ersten bis zum lezten [sic] Verse an buchstabirts den Namen "Leonard Detweiler," / welches auf sein Verlangen gemacht worden ist, von einem Dichter mit Namen Johannes Koppelberger. ; Auf die Melodie "Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit." Koppelberger, Johannes [Browse] [Reading, Pa. : Johann Ritter und Comp., ca. 1820] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
12. Documents relative to Indian affairs [electronic resource]. [New York] : Clayton & Kingsland, printers, no. 15 Cedar-Street., [1817] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
13. A Confession of faith [electronic resource]. [United States : s.n., ca. 1815] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
14. Ein Neu Trauer-Lied, [electronic resource] : wie man vernommen, von einem Menschen, der nach dem Tod ist wieder kommen. : Diese Begebenheit hat sich vor nicht langer Zeit zehn Meilen von Carlisle zugetragen: die Namen der Personen sind verschwiegen, um der noch lebenden Familie zu schonen. : Melodie. Ihr Sünder, kommt gegangen. [Pennsylvania] : Neu verfasset und gedruckt für Georg Hohman, welcher seine Dienste anbietet um Sprüche, Gebeter und Lieder aufzusetzen und um geneigte Kundschaft bittet., [between 1815 and 1830?] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
15. The New-England primer, improved; or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. [electronic resource] : To which is added the Assembly's catechism. : Adorned with cuts. Boston: : Printed by James Loring, sold wholesale and retail at his bookstore, no. 2, Cornhill., [between 1815 and 1826?] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
16. A coquet turned preacher; or A true copy, of a series of letters, written by Stephen Bemis, to a young lady, in Westminster [electronic resource]. Bemis, Stephen, 1774-1828 [Browse] [Leominster, Mass.? : Printed by Salmon Wilder?, 1812 or 1813] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
17. Direct taxes! Loans! Fruits of commercial restrictions! [electronic resource] : Electors of Worcester County! You are frequently called upon, in pathetick addresses to your passions, to believe chimerical statements, without any authority for their support ... [Worcester, Mass. : Printed by Isaac Sturtevant, 1812] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
18. Some remarks on silent worship, or devotion, [electronic resource] : seriously recommended to mankind universally, for their most weighty consideration. : (From the London review of December, 1791.*) [Connecticut? : s.n., 1811?] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
19. The American hero. [electronic resource] : Made on the Battle of Bunker-Hill, and the burning of Charlestown. Niles, Nathaniel, 1741-1828 [Browse] [Boston : s.n., between 1810 and 1814] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
20. American taxation, or The spirit of seventy-six exemplified in a song written in the golden days which tried men's souls [electronic resource]. [United States : s.n., between 1810 and 1830?] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark