State and local government & politics.

Babcock, Robert S. [Browse]
2d ed., rev. & enl.
New York, Random House [1962]
425 p. illus. 24 cm.


Bibliographic references
Includes bibliography.
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  • 1. You and the government : State and local government ; Out of one, many : States ; Counties ; Municipalities ; Cities and villages ; Towns and townships ; Special districts
  • 2. The legal basis - the constitution : Fundamental principles ; Historical changes ; Similarities ; Amendment procedure
  • 3. Pressure groups and the lobbyist : The pressure group in operation : Kinds of pressure groups ; Methods of persuasion ; Propaganda ; The leaders and the members . The lobbyist in operation : Lobbyists ; Entertainment and bribery ; The practical nurses exert pressure ; Regulation of lobbyists ; Lobbyists and administrators ; Lobbyists, pressure groups, and the nation ; Lobbyists, pressure groups, and the party --^
  • 4. Political parties and the politicians : The political party : What is a Republican? ; What is a Democrat? ; Sociological background ; The legal basis for the party ; The local committee ; The county committee ; The state committee ; The state convention ; Delegates to the National Convention ; Presidential preference primary ; The national committeeman. The politician : The boss, a vanishing American ; From the "machine" to the "organization" ; The professional politician ; Fence-sitting ; The politician and the party --^
  • 5. Suffrage and elections : Who may vote? : Age, residence, taxpaying ; Literacy ; Negro voting ; Registration ; Personal registration. The nomination : The caucus ; The convention system ; Direct primary ; Party membership ; Open and closed primaries ; Raiding a primary ; The petition ; Cross-filing ; Run-off primary ; Non-partisan primary ; The Independent and the primary. The election : The party column ballot ; Office group ballot ; Preferential voting ; The bullet vote. Direct democracy : Initiative and referendum ; Direct and indirect initiative ; Mandatory and optional referendum ; Recall. The voter and the ballot : The short ballot --^
  • 6. Towns, townships, villages, and special districts : The town : The town meeting ; The moderator ; The selectmen ; The clerk ; The treasurer ; The appraisers ; The property tax and the tax rate ; The auditors ; The constable ; The attorney ; The justice of the peace ; Other officers ; The road commissioner ; School directors ; The town manager. Townships : Township meeting ; Township board ; Township supervisors. Villages ; Special districts
  • 7. The county : Kinds of counties : New England ; The southern county: Virginia type ; The north central county: New York type ; The north central county: Pennsylvania type ; The western county. County officials : The county board ; The sheriff ; The county attorney ; The county clerk ; Other officers ; The coroner ; Roads and schools ; Urban and rural counties. Some counties at work : Mercer County, New Jersey ; Dodge County, Wisconsin ; Marengo County, Alabama ; Washoe County, Nevada --^
  • 8. The city : The structure of the city : The weak mayor plan ; The commission plan ; The council manager plan ; The strong mayor plan. The city charter : Special charter system ; General charter system ; Classification system ; Home rule ; Optional charter system. The functions of the city : The city officials ; The city attorney ; Airports and harbors ; Fire ; Police ; Planning ; Parks and recreation ; Water ; Sewage, garbage, and waste ; Utilities ; Streets ; Libraries, museums, and zoos ; Health ; Schools ; His honor, the mayor --
  • 9. Metropolis : Metropolitan areas : The core city ; Downtown ; The slums ; Transit ; Core city finances ; Suburbia. Solutions : Annexation ; City-county consolidation ; City-county separation ; Federation ; Functional consolidation ; Metropolitan special districts
  • 10. Justice : Who decides the law? : Justice of the peace ; Municipal courts ; County courts ; Appellate courts ; Equality courts ; Probate courts ; Court of claims ; His honor, the judge ; Civil and criminal cases ; Grand juries ; Trial juries. Who enforces the law? : The governor and the attorney general ; The county attorney ; The public defender ; The state police ; The national guard ; Justice for all --^
  • 11. The legislature : The organization : Two houses ; Appointment ; Rural over-representation ; Gerrymandering ; Unicam ; Passing the buck ; Terms of office ; Length of session ; Pay ; Who goes to the legislature?. The formal structure : The speaker ; The lieutenant governor ; The president pro tem ; The standing committees ; The appropriations committee ; Other standing committees ; Floor debate ; Rules of procedure ; Three readings. S10 becomes a law : First reading ; Public Hearing ; Committee hearing ; Second reading ; Third reading ; The other house ; Conference committee ; The closing days. Special devices : Joint committees ; Special committees ; Interim committees ; Split sessions ; Special sessions. The legislator : The power of negative ; The shotgun technique ; The temptation of re-election ; The political bug ; The political ladder ; Techniques of control ; Reform of the legislatures --^
  • 12. His excellency, the governor : The chief legislator : The messages ; The veto ; The pocket veto ; The item veto ; Patronage ; Gubernatorial prestige ; A day with his excellency. The chief executive : The chief administrator ; The bureaucracy ; The governor as a catalyst ; Power of appointments ; Kinds of appointments ; Political considerations. State executive officials : The lieutenant governor ; The secretary of state ; The treasurer ; The attorney general ; The auditor of accounts ; Other state elective officials --^
  • 13. State services: resources : Highway : The gas tax and the motor vehicle tax ; Local roads ; State aid roads ; State roads ; Federal classifications ; Costs ; The gas tax ; Toll roads ; Bonding. Forests and Parks : State forests ; Forest fires ; Blight ; State parks ; Trash. Water : Federal jurisdiction ; Water shortage ; Pollution ; Interstate water compacts ; Hydroelectric development. Fish and game ; Agriculture : The agriculture department ; The agricultural extension service ; The county agent. Planning and development : State development agencies ; Advertising --
  • 14. State services: social welfare : Corrections : State prisons ; Punishment and rehabilitation ; The inmate ; Discipline ; Hard labor ; What cure? ; Women's prisons ; Pardons and paroles. The care of the sick : The mentally retarded ; The school for the mentally retarded ; The accommodations ; The mentally ill ; The state hospital ; The increase of mental disease ; Homes for the aged ; Tuberculosis. Reform schools : What is a juvenile delinquent? ; Punishment and rehabilitation ; The cottage system ; The dependent and neglected child ; Release from reform school. Public welfare : Federal social security ; Old-age assistance ; The needy ; Aid to dependent children ; The child is committed ; The foster home ; Social welfare workers. Health : Federal grants-in-aid ; The prevention of disease ; Communicable diseases ; Vaccination ; Quarantine ; Vital statistics ; Maternal and child health ; Ability to pay ; Public health inspection ; Special diseases ; Public health nurses --^
  • 15. State services: education : The superintendent of public instruction ; The local school district ; Consolidation ; The tax base ; State aid formulas ; New classrooms ; Teachers' salaries ; State teachers' colleges ; State universities ; Regional education compacts ; Released time ; Desegregation
  • 16. State services: regulation : Regulation of business : Free enterprise ; Business charters ; "Foreign" corporation ; Protection from fraud ; Blue sky laws ; Usury and small loans ; Fair trade laws ; Banking and insurance. Public utilities : Natural monopolies ; Public service commissions ; Rate-setting ; Six per cent. Liquor ; Regulation of professions and trades ; Regulation of labor : Federal predominance ; Women and children ; Workman's compensation ; Occupational diseases ; Hours ; Wages ; Strikes ; Regulation of unions ; Unemployment insurance --^
  • 17. Administrative organization : The governor's staff ; The executive secretary ; The legal adviser ; The budget officer ; The personnel director ; Single-headed agencies ; Boards and commissions ; New agencies ; Little Hoover commissions ; Civil service ; Recruitment ; Classification ; Pay and working conditions ; Purchasing ; The bureaucrat --^
  • 18. Finances : How much does it cost? : The governor's budget ; The fiscal year ; Budgetary requests ; The function of the budget officer ; Budget hearings ; Appropriations ; General government ; Protection ; Health ; Conservation and development ; Charities ; Corrections ; Education ; Miscellaneous ; Debts ; Highways. Where does the money come from? : Revenue ; Beer, cigarettes, and liquor ; Business taxes ; Non-tax revenue ; Death taxes ; Specific sales taxes ; Income tax versus sales tax ; The personal income tax ; Corporate income taxes ; Income tax: good or bad ; The general sales tax ; Exemptions ; Rates ; Regressive features ; Use taxes ; The taxpayer's burden ; The taxpayer and the politician --
  • 19. Intergovernmental relations : The statehouse and Washington : Division of powers ; Expansion by constitutional amendment ; Expansion by court interpretation ; Expansion through grants-in-aid ; The spending power ; Grants-in-aid ; Privileges and immunities ; Equal protection of the laws ; Admission of new states. Statehouse to statehouse : Extradition, or interstate rendition ; The process of extradition ; Full faith and credit ; Divorce ; Interstate compacts ; Parole and probation ; Oil ; education ; Flood control ; The port of New York authority ; Legislative uniformity ; Council of state governments. The statehouse and the city hall : Home rule ; State regulation of finance ; Municipal indebtedness ; State audits ; State subsidies ; State aid
  • 20. Conclusion : Reform : The muckrakers ; Counties in the shadow ; Redrawing political boundaries ; Consolidation ; The short ballot. You, the voter.
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