Health care policy in contemporary America / edited by Alan I. Marcus and Hamilton Cravens.

University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, c1997.
viii, 156 p. ; 23 cm.


Summary note
"How can we have received so many benefits while still being as worried as ever about our health and the health care system established to ensure and extend those benefits? The historical perspective provided by the essays in this volume helps answer this question by identifying two points of significant change in health care policy. Beginning in the 1950s there emerged a subtle yet critical reconceptualization as the individual rather than the group came to figure prominently as the central policy-making unit. Then in the late 1960s, a palpable sense of limits rendered the individualism of the previous decade into a Malthusian formulation: the greater the access or benefits that any one person received, the less access and fewer benefits others could get. Besides tracing these patterns in health care development, the essays also show how traditional notions of expertise have been affected by the changes."--BOOK JACKET.
"This work was originally published as a special issue of Journal of Policy History (vol. 9, no. 1, 1997)." -- T.p. verso.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
Action note
Committed to retain in perpetuity — ReCAP Shared Collection (HUL)
  • Disease chasing money and power: breast cancer and AIDS activism challenging authority / Amy Sue Bix
  • Sweets for the sweet: saccharin, knowledge, and the contemporary regulatory nexus / Alan I. Marcus
  • Deinstitutionalization: the illusion of policy / Gerald N. Grob
  • Hospitals, insurance, and the American labor movement / David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz
  • From eugenics to medical genetics / Diane Paul
  • Health fraud: a hardy perennial / James Harvey Young
  • Postmodernist psychobabble: the recovery movement for individual self-esteem in mental health since World War II / Hamilton Cravens.
0271017406 (pbk. : alk. paper)
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