Alcohol, young persons and violence / edited by Paul Williams.

Canberra : Australian Institute of Criminology, c2001.
vii, 260 p. ; 25 cm.


Summary note
There is overwhelming evidence of a link between alcohol consumption and violent behaviour. Although not fully understood, it is widely accepted that levels of alcohol consumption and violence are higher among younger than older persons, and particularly so among young males. In 1999, the Australian Institute of Criminology hosted a Roundtable on the theme of Alcohol, Young Persons and Violence. Its purpose was to highlight new empirical data, to explore innovative interventions and to inform the development of a National Alcohol Strategy. This publication gathers together nine papers from that Roundtable as well as others related to the subject of alcohol, young persons and violence. These papers do not attempt to provide a comprehensive description of the extent and nature of the 'problem', nor do they offer a prescriptive policy solution. They do, however, provide examples of recent research and policy opportunities in the area and offer evidence which will contribute to the development of the National Alcohol Strategy.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
Action note
Committed to retain in perpetuity — ReCAP Shared Collection (HUL)
  • Youth alcohol consumption : experiences and expectations / Jenny Taylor and Tom Carroll
  • Young women, pubs and safety / Charlotte de Crespigny
  • Alcohol and youthful rites of passage / Robyn Lincoln and Ross Homel
  • An indicator approach to the measurement of alcohol-related violence / Sally Brinkman ... [et al.]
  • Alcohol and disorder in the Australian community : some results from the National Drug Strategy Household Survey / Toni Makkai
  • Alcohol-related social disorder and rural youth, 1993-1998 / Paul Williams
  • Alcohol-related social disorder and indigeneous Australians : recent past and future directions / Siobhan Hennessy and Paul Williams
  • Alcohol use and violent behaviour among youth : results from a longitudinal study / Michael T. Lynskey
  • Alcohol and homicide : a routine activities analysis / Carlos Carcach and Rowena Conroy
  • Reducing alcohol-related harm in and around licensed premises : industry accords-- a successful intervention / Steve Vaughan
  • Young men and violence prevention / Margaret Cameron.
  • 064224197X
  • 9780642241979
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