3 part fantazies / Mr. Math. Lock & Dr. Gibbons. 4 part fantazies / Mr. Lock. [Sonate per] violino e viola [o] viola e lauto / del Sigr. Lelio Colista ; [transcribed by John Jenkins].

Musical score, Manuscript, Microform
[between 1600 and 1699]
ms. parts (122, that is, 244 pages)


  • Microfilm of: British Library, Manuscript, Additional 31435.
  • Title for 1st and 2nd works from treble parts; title for 3rd work partly supplied from Hughes.
  • The 1st work for 2 trebles and bass, with a duplicate bass part added as continuo (unfigured); 2nd work for 4 viols (treble, mean, tenor, bassus), with a basso continuo.
  • The 1st work includes one compostion by Henry Purcell.
  • The works by Christopher Gibbons are erroneously attributed to O. Gibbons on the target frame.
  • Described in: Catalogue of manuscript music in the British Museum / Augustus Hughes. -- [1st ed. reprinted] -- London : British Museum, 1964-66.
Reproduction note
Microfilm. London : British Museum Photographic Service, [1990?] 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm.
Other title(s)
Three-part fantazies.
C - O
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