A third edition of the first Spanish Bible printed on Spanish soil, which was translated from the Latin Vulgate by Felipe Scio de San Miguel, and published at Valencia, 1790-93.
Engraved title-pages also, to both Testaments. Frontispiece to v. 1 of the Old Testament. Volume 1-2 of the Old Testament is dated 1818; v. 3-5, 1819; v. 6, 1808; v. 7, 1823; v. 8, 1825; v. 9, 1814; v. 10-11, and v. 1 of the New Testament, 1815; v. 2-4, 1816. v. 6-8 published by La hija de Ibarra; v. 1-3 of the New Testament, imprenta de Sancha.
Preliminary matter includes the dedication, Al rey nuestro señor siendo príncipe de Asturias; Advertencia; Disertación preliminar sobre la traslación de los libros sagrados á la lengua castellana; Disertación segunda, entitled: Si las versiones paraphrásticas ó libres de las sagradas escrituras deben preferirse á las literales ... etc. Besides the ordinary Vulgate version of the Psalter and F. Scio's version of it, there is also given Jerome's translation from the Hebrew, followed by a Spanish paraphrase. Similar paraphrases are also given of Job and Lamentations in addition to the ordinary Spanish versions of those books.
Language note
The Spanish and Latin texts are printed in parallel columns, with notes and references below; with prefaces, chapter headings, etc. A list of errata is appended to nearly every volume. Revelation is followed by, Tablas chronológicas, Índice de las cosas notables, etc.
Other title(s)
Bible. Latin & Spanish. 1808-1825.
N - S
Statement on language in description
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