ʼDzam Gling Skyong Baʼi Pho-Lha Ge Sar Dmag Gi Rgyal Poʼi Rtogs Brjod Las Byang Bdud Dru Gu g-Yul Rgyal Stobs Chen Thog Rgod Rgyal Po Mngaʼ ʼbangs Bcas Dbang Du Bsdus Shing Go Mtshon g-Yang Du Blangs Paʼi Rnam Thar Yid ʼphrog Snying Gi Dgaʼ Ston Zhes Bya Ba Bzhugs so : an Episode from the Gesar Epic Recounting the Mighty King of Ling's Conquest of the Kingdom of Dru-Gu : Stod Cha. 1984. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives.