Vetus Latina : die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel / nach Petrus Sabatier neu gesammelt und herausgegeben von Erzabtei Beuron.

Uniform title
  • German
  • Latin
  • Ancient Greek (to 1453)
Freiburg : Herder, 1949-<2022>
volumes in; 32 cm (volumes 1/1: 25 cm)


  • Each volume has also special title page.
  • Issued in parts, 1949-
  • "Under the direction of Pater Bonifatius Fischer."--New Catholic encyc., 1967, v. 2, p. 438.
  • Editors vary.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
Language note
The text is accompanied by variant readings, notes on sources, and the texts of the Greek original and of the Latin Vulgate. Introductions in French and German.
  • Bd. 1. Verzeichnis der Sigel für Handschriften und Kirchenschriftsteller. Bd. 1/1. Répertoire général des auteurs ecclésiastiques latins de l'antiquité et du haut Moyen Âge. Bd. 1/2. Altlateinische Handschriften/Manuscrits vieux latins
  • ALTES TESTAMENT: Bd. 2. Genesis
  • Bd. 6. Esra
  • Bd. 7.2. Judith
  • Bd. 7.3. Hester
  • Bd. 10. Canticum Canticorum
  • Bd. 11/1. Sapientia Solomonis
  • Bd. 11/2. Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)
  • Bd. 12. Esaias
  • Bd. 14. Danihel
  • Bd. 17. Evangelium secundum Marcum
  • Bd. 21. Epistula ad Corinthios I
  • Bd. 24/1. Epistula ad Ephesios
  • Bd. 24/2. Epistulae ad Philippenses et ad Colossenses
  • Bd. 25, pars 1. Epistulae ad Thessalonicenses, Timotheum, Titum, Philemonem, Hebraeos
  • Bd. 25, pars 2. Epistulae ad Titum, Philemonem, Hebraeos; Nachträge, Register
  • Bd. 26/1. Epistulae Catholicae
  • Bd. 26/2. Apocalypsis.
Other title(s)
  • Bible. Greek. 1949.
  • Bible. Latin. Vulgate. 1949.
  • 9783451003448 ((v. 14/1, fasc. 3))
  • 9783451003455 ((v. 14/1, fasc. 4))
  • 9783451003462 ((v.14/1, fasc. 5))
  • 3451003465 ((v.14/1, fasc. 5))
  • 9783451005947 ((v. 17, pt. 8))
  • 3451005948 ((v. 17, pt. 8))
  • 3451004712 ((v. 25, pt. 2))
  • 9783451004711 ((v. 25, pt. 2))
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