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The antitrust laws of the United States of America ; a study of competition enforced by law / by A.D. Neale. With a foreword by Abe Fortas.
Neale, A. D. (Alan Derrett)
2d ed.
Cambridge [England] : University Press, 1970.
xiv, 529 pages ; 24 cm.
Antitrust law
United States
Economic and social studies ; 19.
[More in this series]
National Institute of Economic and Social Research. Economic and social studies, 19
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references (pages 506-510).
Introduction: Background and definitions: the aim and scope of antitrust
Objects of the study
The main provision of the Sherman Act, Clayton Act and Federal Trade Commission Act; the means of enforcement
Sectors of the economy with legislative exemptions from antitrust laws
Exemptions for certain practices
The origins and historical development of antitrust
Definitions; restraint of trade
The rule of reason; the views of Chief Justice Taft and Chief Justice White compared
Per se rules
Plan of the study
Part I: The content and administration of antitrust
I. Agreements between competitors I. Price fixing
Section I of the Sherman Act and restrictive trade agreements
Price agreements: the per se rule against price fixing
Price filing and 'open competition' cases
The detection of collusion in pricing; pricing in conditions of oligopoly
Price leadership
Note on delivered-price systems
II. Agreements between competitors II. Excluding competitors and sharing markets
Agreements other than price agreements
Collective exclusive-dealing agreements
'Bottleneck' agreements which deny scarce facilities to competitors
Collective boycott agreements
Agreements for dividing or sharing markets
III. Agreements between competitors III. Agreements among small groups
Collusion and oligopoly; the law of conspiracy in antitrust
The motion picture industry as an example
'Conscious parallelism of action'
IV. Monopolization I. The criteria for offences under Section 2 of the Sherman Act
Section 2 of the Sherman Act
Early cases
The Standard Oil case of 1911
Cases between 1911 and 1945
Other cases since 1945
Recapitulation of the law of Section 2
V. Monopolization II. Monopolistic practices
Definition of monopolistic practices
'Bottleneck' monopolies; boycotts of monopolies
Monopoly and price discrimination
Mergers and acquisitions
Vertical integration
Exclusive-dealing and tying contracts
VI. Monopolization III. Section 2 of the Sherman Act and oligopoly situations
Antitrust and oligopoly
Monopolistic practices in conditions of oligopoly
Conspiracy to monopolize
American Tobacco; Paramount
National City Lines; du Pont
Recapitulation of the law of section 2 as applying to oligopoly situations
VII. The Clayton Act I. Introduction; Mergers and acquisitions
Origins and aims of the Clayton Act
Original section 7 of the Clayton Act; the 1950 Celler-Kefauver Act amendments
Supreme Court treatment of horizontal and vertical mergers
Supreme Court treatment of conglomerate mergers
The relevant market in merger cases; its product and geographic dimensions
Joint ventures and potential competition
Section 8 of the Clayton Act and interlocking directorates
VIII. The Clayton Act II. Exclusive dealing and tying contracts
Section 3 of the Clayton Act and excluding dealing
Requirements contracts
Tying contracts
Problems of distribution; unilateral refusal to deal
Territorial and other restriction imposed on distributors
IX. The Clayton Act III. Price discrimination
Section 2 of the Clayton Act before 1936; the Robison-Patman Act amendments to section 2; the legal issues raised by the Robinson-Patman Act
Section 2(1) and discrimination in favour of large buyers; the test of injury to competition under section 2(1)
Cost justification
Section 2(b) and meeting competition 'in good faith'
Section 2(f) and cases against those inducing or receiving illegal discrimination
Price discrimination as a weapon in the competition between suppliers
Functional discounts under the Robinson-Patman Act
Quantity limit rules; the brokerage provisions; subsections 2(d) and 2(e) and advertising allowances; section 3 of the Robinson-Patman Act
Note on price discrimination and delivered-price systems
X. Resale price maintenance
Definition of resale price maintenance; arguments for and against the practice
Early decisions under the Sherman Act
Refusals by manufacturers to supply goods unless resale prices are maintained; the General Electric case and distribution through agents
State fair trade acts; the non-signer clause; the Miller-Tydings law; the Federal Fair Trade Act of 1952 (the McGuire Act)
Case law under state fair trade legislation; legal requirements relating to enforcement of fair trade contracts
State 'unfair sales' legislation
XI. Patents and antitrust
The United States patent system and the limits set by antitrust to the exercise of patent rights
Price fixing of patented products; limitations of the 'G.E. doctrine'; price stipulations and challenges to the validity of patents
Exclusionary and market sharing agreements based on patents
Patents and monopolization
Patents and violations of the Clayton Act; the distinction between antitrust violation and misuse of patents; the Mercoid cases and the doctrine of contributory infringement
Permissible conditions in patent licenses; combination patents; non-use of patents
XII. International cartels and antitrust
The Sherman Act and 'trade with foreign nations'; the Webb-Pomerene Export Trade Act of 1918
Agreements between United States companies relating to foreign markets
The Timken case
Agreements between United States companies and foreign companies; agreements arising out of exchanges of patents and 'know-how'
American jurisdiction over foreign companies in antitrust cases
XIII. The administration of the antitrust laws
Functions of the antitrust division of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission
The antitrust division; selection of cases for action
Detection of offences; methods of investigation; the Grand Jury subpoena
The choice between criminal prosecution and civil action
Pleas of nolo contendere; consent settlements
Informal procedures of enforcement
The cost of enforcement
The Federal Trade Commission ; structure and functions
Complaints; bearings; 'cease and desist' orders
Review of appeal courts of Federal Trade Commission decisions and orders
Non-litigated procedures
Treble-damage actions
XIV. Antitrust remedies
Criminal and civil remedies
The equity powers of the courts in antitrust litigation
Remedies ordered in cases of monopolization
Practical limitations in the use of dissolution or divestiture decrees; divestiture in merger cases
Remedies in patent cases
Remedies ordered in consent decrees
Part II: Antitrust assessed
XV. Antitrust as an American policy
The motivation of antitrust
The effectiveness of antitrust in relation to restrictive agreements between competitors
The effectiveness of antitrust in relation to monpolizing
The effectiveness of antitrust in relation to oligopoly
The effectiveness of the Clayton Act provisions
Exclusive dealing
Price discrimination
Summing up of the effectiveness of antitrust
XVI. Antitrust for export?
Political and institutional differences between the United States and Britain and their effect on the objectives of anti-monopoly policy
The economics of the monopoly problem
The concept of workable competition and anti-monopoly policy
Anti-monopoly policy in Britain
Appendix: 'Merger guidelines' issued by the United States Department of Justice.
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Other versions
The antitrust laws of the United States of America; a study of competition enforced by law, by A. D. Neale. With a foreword by Abe Fortas.