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The music lover's poetry anthology / edited by Helen Handley Houghton and Maureen McCarthy Draper.
New York : Persea Books, [2007], ©2007.
xix, 284 pages ; 22 cm
American poetry
English poetry
Related name
Houghton, Helen Handley
Draper, Maureen McCarthy
"A Karen & Michael Braziller book."
In music / Czeslaw Milosz
On hearing a symphony of Beethoven / Edna St. Vincent Millay
From Magnificat / Bill Holm
Listening / Dick Davis
Listening to the Koln concert / Robert Bly
The Dumka / B. H. Fairchild
Fond memory / Eavan Boland
[Blossoms at night] / Issa
Sonata / Edward Hirsch
Muse / Linda Pastan
Earphones / Michael Ryan
Elevator music / Henry Taylor
Loud music / Stephen Dobyns
Sunday morning with the sensational nightingales / Billy Collins
Radio / Cornelius Eady
Country radio / Daniel Hall
The power of music to disturb / Lisel Mueller
Music / Charles Baudelaire
On hearing a flute at night / Li Yi
The eventual music / Liam Rector
[Heart, not so heavy as mine] / Emily Dickinson
To music, to becalm his fever / Robert Herrick
Evening music / May Sarton
The victor dog / James Merrill
A one-eyed cat named Hathway / Henri Coulette
The choir / Galway Kinnell
Music / Anne Porter
Ask my mother to sing / Li-Young Lee
Where the breath is / Adam Zagajewski
Songs / Philip Levine
From Messiah (Christmas portions) / Mark Doty
Joy / Lisel Mueller
The singer's house / Seamus Heaney
First song / Galway Kinnell
[I shall keep singing!] / Emily Dickinson
Everyone sang / Siegfried Sassoon
The composer / W. H. Auden
Regarding (most) songs / Thomas Lux
Sonnet / Elizabeth Bishop
Singing back the world / Dorianne Laux
Music lesson / Jill Bialosky
Half note / Susan Kinsolving
Tin ear / Peter Schmitt
Ooly pop a cow / David Huddle
You're the top / Tony Hoagland
Blizzard / Bill Holm
The rose : 1984 / Carol Muske-Dukes
[His song was about the world] / Gregory Orr
From The wedding of Ektor and Andromakha / Sappho
Where everything is music / Rumi
From Playing Haydn for the angel of death / Bill Holm
To his piano / Howard Nemerov
The ebony chickering / Dorianne Laux
Kranich and Bach / John Hollander
Piano / D. H. Lawrence
Variations for two pianos / Donald Justice
Piano practice at the academy of the Holy Angels / Wallace Stevens
Piano tuner, Untune me that tone / Ogden Nash
The piano tuner / Valerie Gillies
Piano lessons / Billy Collins
The pupil / Donald Justice
Practicing / Linda Pastan
The music lesson / Brigit Pegeen Kelly
Death of a pianist / Adam Zagajewski
Gradus ad Parnassum / Muriel Rukeyser
Piano concerto in E flat major / Fleur Adcock
Woman at the piano / William Jay Smith
The investment / Robert Frost
Under the piano / Kenneth Weisner
Piano practice / Derek Walcott
Instrument of choice / Robert Phillips
Recital / John Updike
Ginza Samba / Robert Pinsky
A Belacqua B flat trumpet / Kenneth Fields
English horn / Eugenio Montale
The nomad flute / W. S. Merwin
Stravinsk's flute / Mina Loy
Concertina / Carol Muske-Dukes
Musician / Louise Bogan
Girl with 'cello / May Sarton
The cellist / Galway Kinnell
Instructions to the player / Carl Rakosi
Beethoven's quartet in C major, opus 59 / Linda Pastan
Violin / Naomi Shihab Nye
Haydn / Rolf Jacobsen
From Ode to the guitar / Pablo Neruda
The guitar / Federico Garcia Lorca
The twelfth sonnet / Louise Late
The stillness of the world before Bach / Lars Gustafsson
If bach had been a beekeeper / Charles Tomlinson
God only knows / Dana Gioia
From Playing the inventions / Howard Nemerov
From Vivaldi / Delmore Schwartz
Allegro / Tomas Transtromer
From J. Haydn to Constance Mozart (1791) / Edgar Bowers
Mozart, for example / Mary Oliver
His master's voice / Leonard Cohen
Lives of the great composers / Dana Gioia
Late Beethoven / Adam Zagajewski
Heavenly length / Bill Holm
Romantics / Lisel Mueller
Brahms' Clarinet Quintet in B minor, Op. 115 / Jan Zwicky
From the new world / Grace Schulman
On Rachmaninoff's birthday / Frank O'Hara
Rachmaninoff's psychiatrist / Diane Ackerman
Night piece / J. D. McClatchy
Such singing in the wild branches / Mary Oliver
Song / Seamus Heaney
An orphic calling / Anthony Hecht
The breath of nature / Chuang Tzu
Orpheus / William Jay Smith
[The temple bell stops-] / Basho
Sonnet / Christina Georgina Rossetti
The blackbird's song / Vasko Popa
Benny the beaver / Susan Wheeler
All things / Hayden Carruth
The darkling thrush / Thomas Hardy
About opera / William Meredith
From Ode to Anna Moffo / Wayne Koestenbaum
To the voice of Kathleen Ferrier / Yves Bonnefoy
Poem for Kathleen Ferrier / James Wright
Callas / J. D. McClatchy
On a recording by Maria Cebotari / Charles Gullans
Aging opera singer / Wislawa Szymborska
Va, Pensiero / William Matthews
A night at the opera / Charles Tomlinson
At the opera / Kenneth Koch
An opera house / Amy Lowell
Rosenkavalier / Charles Gullans
Orfeo / Louise Gluck
Orfeo / James Merrill
Death at the opera / John Smith
The end of the opera / Howard Nemerov
Richard Wagner / Richard Howard
The ability to make a face like a spider while singing blues : junior wells / Sandra McPherson
Almost blue / Mark Doty
Billie holiday / Hayden Carruth
Tenebrae / Yusef Komunyakaa
Jazz / Nicholas Christopher
Jazz in Paris / Jennifer Grotz
Satchmo / Kevin Young
"Boogie woogie blues" / Terrance Hayes
Blue in green / Grace Schulman
A love supreme / Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Thelonious Sphere Monk / Bruce Bond
For Bud / Michael S. Harper
How Charlie Shavers died / Harvey Shapiro
Bill Evans : alone / Jan Zwicky
Radio / David Lehman
Listening to Sonny Rollins at the five spot / Paul Blackburn
Nightclub / Billy Collins
[Bird was gone] / Jack Kerouac
The handbell choir / Jane Flanders
Seeing Mozart's piano quartet in E-flat major in the Old Whaling Church, Edgartown / Mary Stewart Hammond
Lines & circularities / Howard Nemerov
Musicians / Jan Zwicky
A music / Wendell Berry
Three street musicians / Dannie Abse
The accompanist / William Matthews
For Charlene / Nils Peterson
Cadenza / Ted Hughes
Seaside sensation / D. J. Enright
Nocturne / Kenneth Fields
The broken string / Grace Schulman
A fugue / Ellen Bryant Voigt
Farewell / Galway Kinnell.
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9780892553334 (alk. paper)
0892553332 (alk. paper)
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The music lover's poetry anthology / edited by Helen Handley Houghton and Maureen McCarthy Draper.