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Kendig's disorders of the respiratory tract in children / [edited by] Victor Chernick [and others].
7th ed.
Philadelphia : Saunders/Elsevier, [2006], ©2006.
xix, 1111 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 29 cm
Copies in the Library
Call Number
Location Service
ReCAP - Remote Storage
RJ431 .D63 2006 Q
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Pediatric respiratory diseases
Related name
Chernick, Victor
Kendig, Edwin L., 1911-
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Molecular determinants of lung morphogenesis / Jeffrey A. Whitsett and Susan E. Wert
2. The surfactant system / Ann Marie LeVine and Alan H. Jobe
3. Developmental physiology of the respiratory system / Mary Ellen B. Wohl
4. The functional basis of respiratory disease / Victor Chernick and John B. West
5. Biology and assessment of airway inflammation / Peter J. Barnes
6. The history and physical examination / Hans Pasterkamp
7. Bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage in pediatric patients / Robert E. Wood and Cori Daines
8. Diagnostic imaging of the respiratory tract / Oystein E. Olsen and Catherine M. Owens
9. Pulmonary function tests in infants and preschool children / Janet Stocks
10. Pulmonary function testing in children / Robert G. Castile
11. Pulmonary function assessment in the laboratory during exercise / Dan M. Cooper and Chaim Springer
12. Lung defenses : intrinsic, innate, and adaptive / James M. Stark and Giuseppe N. Colasurdo
13. Acute respiratory failure / Emily L. Dobyns, Todd C. Carpenter, Anthony G. Durmowicz and Kurt R. Stenmark
14. Chronic respiratory failure / Raouf S. Amin
15. Pediatric lung transplantation / Blakeslee E. Noyes
16. Drug administration by aerosol in children / Allan L. Coates and Christopher O'Callaghan
17. Congenital lung disease / Robin Michael Abel, Andrew Bush, Lyn S. Chitty, Jonny Harcourt and Andrew G. Nicholson
18. Respiratory disorders in the newborn / Anne Greenough
19. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia / Steven H. Abman and Jonathan M. Davis
20. Genetic causes of surfactant deficiency / Lawrence M. Nogee
21. Air and liquid in the pleural space / Mark Montgomery and David Sigalet
22. Diagnosis of viral respiratory illness : practical applications / Stellos Psarras, Nikolaos G. Papadopoulos and Sebastian L. Johnston
23. Acute infections producing upper airway obstruction / Ian M. Balfour-Lynn and Jane C. Davies
24. Bronchitis / Gerald M. Loughlin
25. Bronchiolitis / Mary Ellen B. Wohl
26. Viral pneumonia / James E. Crowe, Jr.
27. Community-acquired bacterial pneumonia / Renato T. Stein and Paulo J. C. Marostica
28. Pulmonary infections in the immunocompromised pediatric host / Dennis C. Stokes
29. Bronchiectasis / Anne B. Chang and Gregory J. Redding
30. Lung abscess and pulmonary infections due to anaerobic bacteria / Itzhak Brook
31. Influenza / Margaret W. Leigh
32. Atypical pneumonias in children / Misty Colvin, L. Barry Seltz and Leslie L. Barton
33. Pediatric severe acute respiratory syndrome / Albert Martin Li and Ellis K. L. Hon
34. Tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacterial disease / Anna M. Mandalakas and Jeffrey R. Starke
35. The mycoses / Joseph J. Nania and Peter F. Wright
36. Pertussis and other Bordetella infections of the respiratory tract / Ulrich Heininger
37. Pneumonia secondary to varicella and measles / Joanne Embree, Samira Mubareka and Victor Chernick
38. Toxocariasis, hydatid disease of the lung, strongyloidiasis, and pulmonary paragonimiasis / Mobeen H. Rathore
39. Respiratory disorders in pediatric HIV infection / Meyer Kattan
40. Gastroesophageal reflux and aspiration syndromes / Arnold C. G. Platzker
41. Foreign body aspiration / Robin T. Cotton and Michael J. Rutter
42. Atelectasis / Michelle Duggan and Brian P. Kavanagh
43. Pulmonary edema / Hugh O'Brodovich
44. Acute respiratory distress syndrome in the pediatric patient / Andrew H. Numa and Christopher J. L. Newth
45. Lung injury from hydrocarbon aspiration and smoke inhalation / Ada S. Lee, Michael R. Bye and Robert B. Mellins
46. Near-drowning and drowning / Andrew H. Numa, Jurg Hammer and Christopher J. L. Newth
47. Interstitial lung disease / Leland L. Fan and Claire Langston
48. Pulmonary hemorrhage and hemoptysis / Thomas F. Boat
49. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis and eosinophilic pulmonary diseases / Alan P. Knutsen, Raouf S. Amin, James Temprano and Robert W. Wilmott
50. Tumors of the chest / James W. Brooks and Thomas M. Krummol
51. Chest wall function and dysfunction / Jean-Paul Praud and Emmanuel Cartel
52. Rare childhood lung disorders : [alpha][subscript 1]-antitrypsin deficiency, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, and pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis / Pierre-Yves Berclaz and Bruce C. Trapnoll
53. Epidemiology of asthma / M. Innes Asher and Cameron Grant
54. Immunopathogenesis of asthma / Thomas A. E. Platts-Mills and Peter W. Heymann
55. Asthma in the preschool child / Miles Weinberger and Mutasim N. Abu-Hasan
56. Wheezing in older children : asthma / Carolyn M. Kercsmar
57. The influence of upper airway disease on the lower airway / Jonathan Corren
58. Genetics and pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis / Garry R. Cutting and Pamela L. Zeitlin
59. Neonatal screening for cystic fibrosis / Michael J. Rock and Philip M. Farrell
60. Diagnosis and presentation of cystic fibrosis / Colin Wallis
61. Pulmonary disease in cystic fibrosis / Pamela B. Davis
62. Nonpulmonary manifestations of cystic fibrosis / Najma N. Ahmed and Peter R. Durie
63. Primary ciliary dyskinesia / Margaret W. Leigh
64. Childhood pulmonary arterial hypertension / Erika Berman Rosenzweig and Robyn J. Barst
65. Sarcoidosis / Marianna M. Henry and Terry L. Noah
66. Histiocytic disorders of the lung / Robert J. Arceci and Amir H. Shahlaee
67. Pulmonary involvement in rheumatoid disorders of childhood / Arnold C. G. Platzker
68. Familial dysautonomia / Robert Dinwiddie and Samatha Sonnappa
69. Chronic granulomatous disease of childhood / Daniel R. Ambruso and Richard B. Johnston, Jr.
70. The lung in sickle cell disease / Thomas M. Murphy and Jennifer Knight-Madden
71. Lung injury caused by pharmacologic agents / Marianna M. Henry and Terry L. Noah
72. Disorders of the respiratory tract due to trauma / James W. Brooks and Thomas M. Krummel
73. Sudden infant death syndrome and acute life-threatening events / James S. Kemp and Bradley T. Thach
74. Disorders of breathing during sleep / David Gozal and Leila Khelrandish.
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Disorders of the respiratory tract in children
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