Computational neuroscience : comprehensive approach / edited by Jianfeng Feng.

Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2004.
xix, 629 : illustrations ; 25 cm.


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    Chapman & Hall/CRC mathematical biology and medicine series. [More in this series]
    Bibliographic references
    Includes bibliographical references and index.
    • 1. A Theoretical Overview / Henry C. Tuckwell and Jianfeng Feng
    • 2. Atomistic Simulations of Ion Channels / Peter D. Tieleman
    • 3. Modelling Neuronal Calcium Dynamics / Saleet M. Jafri and Keun-Hang Yang
    • 4. Structure-Based Models of NO Diffusion in the Nervous System / Andrew Philippides, Phil Husbands, Tom Smith and Michael O'Shea
    • 5. Stochastic Modelling of Single Ion Channels / Alan G. Hawkes
    • 6. The Biophysical Basis of Firing Variability in Cortical Neurons / Hugh P. C. Robinson
    • 7. Generating Quantitatively Accurate, but Computationally Concise, Models of Single Neurons / Gareth Leng, Arleta Reiff-Marganiec, Mike Ludwig and Nancy Sabatier
    • 8. Bursting Activity in Weakly Electric Fish / Rudiger Krahe and Fabrizio Gabbiani
    • 9. Likelihood Methods for Neural Spike Train Data Analysis / Emery N. Brown, Riccardo Barbieri, Uri T. Eden and Loren M. Frank
    • 10. Biologically-Detailed Network Modelling / Andrew Davison
    • 11. Hebbian Learning and Spike-Timing-Department Plasticity / Sen Song
    • 12. Correlated Neuronal Activity: High- and Low-Level Views / Emilio Salinas and Terrence J. Sejnowski
    • 13. A Case Study of Population Coding: Stimulus Localisation in the Barrel Cortex / Rasmus S. Petersen and Stefano Panzeri
    • 14. Modelling Fly Motion Vision / Alexander Borst
    • 15. Mean-Field Theory of Irregularly Spiking Neuronal Populations and Working Memory in Recurrent Cortical Networks / Alfonso Renart, Nicolas Brunel and Xiao-Jing Wang
    • 16. The Operation of Memory Systems in the Brain / Edmund T. Rolls
    • 17. Modelling Motor Control Paradigms / Pietro G. Morasso and Vittorio Sanguineti
    • 18. Computational Models for Generic Cortical Microcircuits / Wolfgang Maass, Thomas Natschlaeger and Henry Markram
    • 19. Modelling Primate Visual Attention / Leurent Itti.
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