That all may live! : essays in honour of Nyambura J. Njoroge / edited by Ezra Chitando, Esther Mombo & Masiiwa Ragies Gunda.

Bamberg : University of Bamberg Press, 2021.
406 pages ; 21 cm.


Summary note
"This volume of BiAS/ ERA is a Festschrift honouring Nyambura J. Njoroge. She is an outstanding woman theologian whose work straddles diverse fields and disciplines. Inspired by her rich and impressive œuvre, in this volume friends and colleagues of her (among them celebrities like Musa Dube, Gerald West, Fulata Moyo, Ezra Chitando, and others) explore how religion and theology in diverse contexts can become more life giving. Contributors from many countries and different continents explore themes such as African women's leadership, theological education, HIV/ AIDS, lament, the Bible and liberation, adolescents and young women, sexual diversity and others. Collectively, the volume expresses Nyambura's consistent commitment to the full liberation of all human beings, in fulfilment of the gospel's promise that all may have life and have it to the full (John 10:10)" --Provided by publisher
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
  • Nyambura - My shero - She rose - We rose / Dorcas Chebet Juma
  • Foreword / Isabel Apawo Phiri
  • Introduction: That all may live! / Ezra Chitando, Esther Mombo, Masiiwa R. Gunda
  • Theological education and women / Esther Mombo
  • Called to lament injustice and prophesy equality, justice, peaace and healing for all / Fulata Lusungu Moyo
  • Living in the post-HIV & AIDS apocalypse / Musa W. Dube
  • The Rev. Dr. Nyambura J. Njoroge: Reflections by a college contemporary / Gideon Githinga
  • Nyambura J. Njoroge's ecumenical theological education vision for African Christianity / Chammah J. Kaunda
  • Book review: Kiama Kia Ngo: An African Christian Feminist Ethic of Resistance and Transformation, Accra, Legon Theological Studies Series, 2000 / Mary Getui
  • Transforming theological education for people in the margins / Wati Longchar
  • Re-reading the Old Testament with Christian men in southern Africa in the context of gender-based violence: A proposal / Lovemore Togarasei
  • Contextual Bible study and/or as interpretive resilience / Gerald O. West
  • Let there be light! Birthing ecumenical theology in the HIV & AIDS apocalypse! / Musa W. Dube
  • "We are tired of HIV, but is HIV tired of us?": Ongoing reflections in African theology and religious studies / Ezra Chitando
  • That all our youth may live free from AIDS! Modeling a theology of life, a spirituality of love, and an ethics of hope / Gideon B. Byamugisha
  • Women's status in marriage among the Bemba of Zambia / Mutale Mulenga Kaunda
  • Grandmothers in Mai Mahiu, Kenya challenge pastors on being church / Pauline Wanjiru Nijru
  • Child marriages in Africa: Interface with Africa's Agenda 2063 and the sustainable development goals / Sophia Chirongoma
  • Children and young people in the context of HIV in Togo / Godson Lawson & Ayoko Bahun-Wilson
  • Sexuality and sexual purity: Religious leaders' pastoral response to HIV & AIDS among Christian adolescents / Sinenhlanhla Sithulisiwe Chisale
  • Re-reading and contextualising Manu IX: 2, 3-2: A Botswana woman's perspective / Elizabeth Pulane Motswapong --The Bible and women in the African Apostolic Church of Johane Marange in Zimbabwe / Elizabeth Vengeyi
  • "Dzimba dzewarwere" (Makeshift clinics) as a safe haven for women's reproductive health in an indigenous apostolic church in Zimbabwe / Lindah Tsara & Lilian Siwila
  • Is docility powerless power? Shona women's sexual and reproductive health and rights / Revai E. Mudzimu
  • Ubuntu, sacred texts and the agency of people on the margins / Masiiwa Ragies Gunda
  • 'Life-force': An African concept of s(S)pirit, relationship and wholeness / Kuzipa Nalwamba
  • That all may live - the future of the wounded pastors / Catherine Wambui Njagi
  • Churches and health / Mwai Makoka.
  • 9783863098117 ((paperback))
  • 3863098110 ((paperback))
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