Worship : studies in memory of Robert F. Taft, S.J. / edited by Massimo Pampaloni, S.J. and Stefano Parenti.

Uniform title
  • English
  • Italian
  • French
  • German
  • Roma : Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 2021.
  • ©2021
360 pages ; 24 cm.


Issuing body
Collected essays.
Bibliographic references
  • "Robert J. Taft, S.J. (1932-2018) chronological list of publications": pages 9-48.
  • Includes bibliographical references.
Language note
Texts in English, Italian, French, and German.
  • Uno scatto rubato / Massimo Pampaloni, S.J.
  • Lived liturgy : the socio-historical contribution of Robert Taft to the study of liturgy / John F. Baldovin, S.J.
  • Fragments of the early Jerusalem lectionary and the evolution of its octaves / Paul F. Bradshaw
  • Της κορνφαιοτάτης έκκλησίας θεον πόλεως. Eine Jakobus-Liturgie des 11. Jahrhunderts aus Antiochien am Orontes / Heinzgerd Brakmann
  • "Acque placide, acque turbate" : religione e cultura nella liturgia bizantina secondo Gogol' (1809-1852) / Edward G. Farrugia, S.J.
  • L'anafora giudeo-cristiana degli apostoli Addai e Mari e le condizioni per un inserimento del racconto istituzionale / Cesare Giraudo, S.J.
  • Égérie au fumier de Job un vendredi de Carême / Sebastià Janeras
  • The blood of martyrs, still 'the seed of the church' : the holy martyrs of the Armenian genocide / Maxwell E. Johnson
  • La dinamica eucaristica della "ripresentazione" alla croce nell'annuncio kerygmatico / Massimo Pampaloni, S.J.
  • Thanksgiving "for this λειτονργία" in the anaphora of John Chrysostom / Stefano Parenti
  • Symbol of faith of the easten Syriac Christians attributed to Mār Michaele, Bishop of Āmid and Mayyāfāriqīn. Critical edition, study, and translation / Željko Paša, S.J.
  • Narrative and ritual : the New Testament accounts of the Last Supper and the evolution of the early Christian Eucharist / Gerard Rouwhorst
  • Some brief preliminary observations on the first anaphora of Jacob of Sarug and its relationship to the writings attributed to Jacob of Sarug / Bryan D. Spinks
  • Rites and prayers for New Year's λιτή in the Euchologion Paris Coislin 213 (AD 1027) / Elena Velkovska
  • Nochmals zum Sinn und zur Bedeutung des κατα πάντα καί διὰ πάντα / Gabriele Winkler.
  • 9788872104040 (paperback)
  • 8872104041 (paperback)
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