The Routledge queer studies reader / edited by Donald E. Hall [and others].

London ; New York : Routledge, 2013.
xx, 586 pages ; 26 cm.


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    Homosaurus genre(s)
    Routledge literature readers. [More in this series]
    Summary note
    This reader provides a comprehensive resource for students and scholars working in this vibrant and interdisciplinary field. The book traces the emergence and development of queer studies as a field of scholarship, presenting key critical essays alongside more recent criticism that explores new directions.
    Bibliographic references
    Includes bibliographical references.
    Action note
    Committed to retain in perpetuity — ReCAP Shared Collection (HUL)
    • Genealogies: Queer and now / Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick ; Critically queer / Judith Butler ; Judith Butler : queer feminism, transgender, and the transubstantiation of sex / Jay Prosser ; The queer intervention / Steven Angelides ; Punks, bulldaggers, and welfare queens : the radical potential of queer politics? / Cathy J. Cohen ; "Quare" studies, or "(Almost) everything I know about queer studies I learned from my grandmother" / E. Patrick Johnson ; Introduction : queer of color critique, historical materialism, and canonical sociology / Roderick A. Ferguson ; The material of sex / Rosemary Hennessy ; Lacan meets queer theory / Tim Dean
    • Sex: Sex in public / Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner ; Viral sex and the politics of life / Gregory Tomso ; Experimental desire : rethinking queer subjectivity / Elizabeth Grosz ; Dinge / Robert Reid-Pharr --^
    • Temporalities: Do you want queer theory (or do you want the truth)? : intersections of punk and queer in the 1970s / Tavia Nyong'o ; Turn the beat around : sadomasochism, temporality, history / Elizabeth Freeman ; How to do the history of male homosexuality / David M. Halperin ; The future is kid stuff : queer theory, disidentification, and the death drive / Lee Edelman
    • Kinship: Transnational adoption and queer diasporas / David L. Eng ; Making queer familia / Richard T. Rodríguez ; Romancing kinship : a queer reading of Indian education and Zitkala-Ŝa's American Indian stories / Mark Rifkin ; Notes on gridlock : genealogy, intimacy, sexuality / Elizabeth A. Povinelli --^
    • Affect: AIDS activism and public feelings : documenting ACT UP's lesbians / Ann Cvetkovich ; Archiving queer feelings in Hong Kong / Helen Hok-Sze Leung ; Feeling brown, feeling down : Latina affect, the performativity of race, and the depressive position / José Esteban Muñoz ; Queer feelings / Sara Ahmed
    • Bodies: What can queer theory do for intersex? / Iain Morland ; Transgender butch : butch/FTM border wars and the masculine continuum / Judith Halberstam ; Compulsory able-bodiedness and queer/disabled existence / Robert McRuer ; Hypothalamic preference : Levay's study of sexual orientation / Elizabeth A. Wilson
    • Borders: Queer times, queer assemblages / Jasbir K. Puar ; Queer intersections : sexuality and gender in migration studies / Martin F. Manalansan IV ; Border/line sex : queer postcolonialities or how race matters outside the U.S. / Anjali Arondekar ; Transgender without organs? : mobilizing a geo-affective theory of gender modification / Lucas Cassidy Crawford.
    Other title(s)
    Queer studies reader
    • 9780415564106 ((hardback))
    • 0415564107 ((hardback))
    • 9780415564113 ((pbk.))
    • 0415564115 ((pbk.))
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