Preliminary studies of the Texas Catholic Historical Society.

[Austin? Tex. : The Society] : distributed under the auspices of the Texas Knights of Columbus Historical Commission, 1929-1940.
  • 3 v. : ill. ; 23 cm.
  • Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1929)-v. 3, no. 7 (Nov. 1940).


Copies in the Library

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      Library of Congress genre(s)
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      No more published?
      Summary note
      • The Martyrs of the Southwest / Rev. Paul J. Fork -- Early Catholic Explorers of the Southwest / Rev. Paul J. Fork -- The Espinosa-Olivares-Aguirre Expedition of 1709 / trans. by Rev. Gabriel Tous -- Romon Expedition : Espinosa's Diary of 1716 / trans. by Rev. Gabriel Tous -- Fray Juan de Padilla / Rev. Paul J. Fork -- The Solis Diary of 1767 / trans. by Rev. Peter P. Forrestal -- Icazbalceta: education in Mexico City during the Sixteenth Century.
      • Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta, trans. by Walter J. O'Donnell -- Earliest Catholic Activities in Texas / Carlos E. Castaneda.
      Title from cover.
      Action note
      Committed to retain in perpetuity — ReCAP Shared Collection (HUL)
      • Vol. I, no. 1. The martyrs of the Southwest / by Rev. Paul J. Foik ; no. 2. Early Catholic explorers of the Southwest / by Rev. Paul J. Foik ; no. 3. The Espinosa-Olivares-Aguirre Expedition of 1709 / by Rev. Gabriel Tous ; no. 4. Ramón Expedition : Espinosa's diary of 1716 / by Rev. Gabriel Tous ; no. 5. Fray Juan de Padilla / by Rev. Paul J. Foik ; no. 6. The Solis diary of 1767 / by Rev. Peter P. Forrestal ; no. 7. Icazbalceta : education in Mexico City during the sixteenth century / by Rev. Walter J. O'Donnell ; no. 8. Earliest Catholic activities in Texas / by Carlos E. Castañeda
      • Vol. II, no. 1. The expedition of Don Domingo Teran de los Rios into Texas / by Mattie Austin Hatcher ; no. 2. The Venerable Padre Fray Antonio Margil de Jesus / by Rev. Peter P. Forrestal ; no. 3. Forerunners of Captain de Leon's expedition to Texas, 1670-1675 / by Rev. Francis Borgia Steck ; no. 4. The six flags of Texas / by Carlos E. Castaneda ; no. 5. Captain Don Domingo Ramon's diary of his expedition into Texas in 1716 / by Rev. Paul J. Foik ; no. 6. Early plans for the German Catholic colonization in Texas / by Rev. Paul J. Foik ; no. 7. Peña's diary of the Aguayo Expedition / translated by Rev. Peter P. Forrestal ; no. 8. Silent years in Texas history / by Carlos E. Castaneda
      • V. 3, no. 1. The first American play / [translated] by Carlos E. Castaneda ; no. 2. La Salle's occupation of Texas / translated [from reports of Governor Alonso de Leòn] by W.J. O'Donnell ; no. 3. Coronado, Onate, and Quivira / by David Donoghue ; no. 4. The beginnings of university life in America / by Carlos E. Castañeda
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