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Camsemud 2007 : proceedings of the 13th Italian Meeting of afro-asiatic linguistics : held in Udine, May 21st-24th, 2007 / edited by Frederick Mario Fales & Giulia Francesca Grassi.
Incontro di linguistica afroasiatica (camito-semitica) (13th : 2007 : Udine, Italy)
1. ed.
Padova : S.A.R.G.O.N., 2010.
vii, 405 p. : ill., maps ; 30 cm.
Afroasiatic languages
Related name
Fales, Frederick Mario
Grassi, Giulia Francesca
HANE. M v. 10.
[More in this series]
History of the ancient Near East. Monographs ; v. 10
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
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Committed to retain in perpetuity — ReCAP Shared Collection (HUL)
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Texts in English, French or Italian.
Semitic onomastics in Roman Aquileia / G.F Grassi (p. 1-32).
A margine del sostrato linguistico "labirintico" egeo-cananaico / F Aspesi (p. 33-38).
Alpha, beta ... tra toria
archeologia e fonetica, tra sintassi ed epigrafia / F Israel (p. 39-48).
Il Romanzo del saggio Ahiqar : una proposta stemmatica / E Braida (p. 49-64).
Il tortuoso percorso dell'antroponimo Asia tra omofoni e sviste / F.A Pennacchietti (p. 65-68).
Venezia e l'espansione dell'italiano in Oriente : problemi connessi con la storia della lingua franca del Mediterraneo / G Cifoletti (p. 69-78).
Phonetic distribution in Semitic binary articulation bases / G. Del Olmo Lete (p. 79-86).
Estensione della radice nella comparizione egitto-semitica / M Franci (p. 87-102).
South Semitic Again / P Marrassini (p. 103-111).
Klimov's active-language characteristics in Ethiopian Semitic / G Hudson (p. 111-122).
Some common innovations in neo-semitic / O Kapeliuk (p. 123-132).
Mubi and semitic
striking parallels / H Jungraithmayr (p. 133-138).
'Afar-Saho and the position of cushitic within Hamitosemitic / Afroasiatic / A Zaborski (p. 139-148).
On application of glottochronology to South Berber [Tuareg] languages / V Blazek (p. 149-176).
A corpus for spoken afroasiatic languages : morphosyntactic and prosodic analysis / A Mettouchi (p. 177-180).
Guessing, doubting, and northwest Semitic Yaqtul-u / A Giano (p. 181-188).
New light on Assyro-Aramaic interference : the Assur ostracon / F.M Fales (p. 189-204).
An incantation bowl of biblical verses and a Wyriac incantation bowl for the protection of a house / A Faraj (p. 205-212).
Performative utterances in the later phase of ancient Hebrew : the case of Ben Sira' / I Zatelli (p. 213-220).
I proverbi di Ahiqar nella versione neoaramaica di Rubeyl muhattas : un 'analisi comparativa delle sue fonti / S Destefanis (p. 221-228).
Towards a historical phonology of modern Aramaic : the relative chronology of Turoyo sound changes / R Kim (p. 229-238).
Scratchy sounds getting smoooth : the Egyptian velar fricatives and their palatalization / H Satzinger (p. 239-246).
The etymology of Egyptian / G Takács (p. 247-260).
Egyptian terms used to indicate the act of reading : an investigation about the act of reading in the Egyptian society / F Contardi (p. 261-270).
Sono dei Re quelli specificati per nome / A Roccati (p. 271-274).
Études étymologiques du lexique arabe préislamique : correspondances sémitiques et le cas de la spécification / A Belova (p. 275-280).
Sur quelques préformantes utilisées dans la morphogénèse de la racine : l'exemple de l'arabe / J Lentin (p. 281-296).
The history of Garshuni as a writing system : evidence from the Rabbula Codex / A Mengozzi (p. 297-304).
Travel literature as a linguistid source : another look at Doughty's Najdi Arabic glossary / R Contini (p. 305-314).
Explaining variation in demonstrative morphology and syntax in peninsular colloquial Arabic : an argument based on anaphoric and exophoric reference / W Young (p. 315-338).
Il 'amil nella linguistica araba moderna / J Guardi (p. 339-348).
Aspetti e tendenze degli studi di linguistica araba in Tunisia [1985-2005] / B Airo (p. 349-354).
Chadic lateral fricatives [reconstruction and parallels in Semitic : Cushitic and Egyptian] / O Stolbova (p. 355-368).
The lexeme "eye" in Chadic reconsidered / R Leger (p. 369-374).
North versus South : typological features of southern Bole-Tangale languages / S Baldi (p. 375-384).
Semelfactive verbs, ;lurative nouns : on number in Gawwada [cushitic] / M Tosco (p. 3385-400).
Problème de la négation en berbèere : à propos de l'origine d'ulac, ula, ula d / V Brugnatelli (p. 401-404).
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Proceedings of the 13th Italian Meeting of afro-asiatic linguistics
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