Islam & Europe : challenges and opportunities / Ludo Abicht ...[et al.].

Belgium : Leuven University Press, 2008.
191 p. ; 22 cm.


Summary note
"Seven well-known influential authorities - each an active participant in the public debate on the global role of Islam past, present and future - recently presented papers at the first Intercultural Relations Conference sponsored by Forum A. & A. Leysen. These important contributions, on the topic Islam & Europe: Challenges and Opportunities, are presented in this volume." "Although each contributor speaks from his own distinctive point of view, a common message emerges from all seven texts. Only dialogue - between the West and Islam on the one hand, and within and among societies historically identified with Islam on the other - will overcome entrenched confrontation and negative animosity, and engender new possibilities and understandings. By encouraging free and critical drinking, dialogue paves the way to social equity and the scientific innovation that, potentially, can lead to more prosperity. In the course of the conference all seven talks led to fascinating debates. This book includes the most important questions asked and the speakers' responses. Although the question of how to actually construct the dialogue remains unsettled, this ground-breaking book takes a giant step toward an answer."--Jacket.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
Action note
Committed to retain in perpetuity — ReCAP Shared Collection (HUL)
  • Multiple adaptations : Islam in three worlds / John Bowen
  • The poldermujahidin : the radicalization of young Dutch Muslims / Ruud Peters
  • Islam and Europe in the age of intercivilizational conflict; diversity and the challenges / Bassam Tibi
  • Muslim integration and secularism / Tariq Modood
  • Islam, Muslims and the west : religion and secularism; from polarization to negotiation / Nasr Abu Zayd
  • Science and religion, an uneasy relationship in the history of Judeo-Christian-Muslim heriatage / Sadik al-Azm
  • Why are we so obsessed by Islam? / Tariq Ali.
Other title(s)
  • Islam and Europe
  • Project Muse UPCC books
  • 9789058676726
  • 9058676722
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