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The great father : the United States government and the American Indians / Francis Paul Prucha.
Prucha, Francis Paul
Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [1995]
2 v. in 1 (xxxii, 1302 p., [52] p. of plates) : ill. ; 24 cm.
Indigenous peoples of North America
Government relations
Indigenous Studies
Unabridged re-issue of c1984 ed.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references (p. [1231]-1257) and index.
Action note
Committed to retain in perpetuity — ReCAP Shared Collection (HUL)
The Colonial experience (Images of the Indians
Invasion of the Indian lands
Trade relations
British imperial policy)
Formative years, peace after the Revolution (The policy of the Continental Congress
Early treaties and ordinances
The Constitution and Indian policy
Indian rights to the land)
War and defense (Subjugating the Indians northwest of the Ohio River
Unrest and retaliation in the South
Probing the New West
The War of 1812
American dominion
North, West, and South)
Trade and intercourse laws (Legislation to control the frontier whites
Regulating the trade in furs
The crusade against ardent spirits
Crimes in the Indian country
Removal of intruders on Indian lands)
Government trading Houses : factories (Beginnings of the factory system
Jeffersonian expansion
Attack and support
The end of the factories)
Civilization and education (Civilization
Agriculture and domestic industry
The role of Thomas L. McKenney
The Civilization Fund and Indian schools
Jedidiah Morse's report)
The Indian Department (Superintendents and agents
Headquarters organization
Assistance from military commanders
Presents and annuities
Peace medals and delegations)
Indian removal. The policy of Indian removal (Formulation of the policy
Andrew Jackson and the removal
Motivation for removal
Controversy and debate
The Cherokee cases)
The emigration of the Southern tribes (Choctaws
Investigating the lands in the west
Seminoles and the Florida war
Cherokees and the Trail of Tears)
Removel of the Northern Indians (Clearing the Old Northwest
Potawatomi dispersal
Sacs and Foxes and the Black Hawk War
Other tribes
New York Indians
The role of the traders)
The emigrant Indians in the West (Transplanted Indian nations
Military defense of the frontier
Benevolence and reform)
New structures and programs (Development of the Indian Department
Proposals for an Indian state
Annuities and liquor regulation)
American expansion and the reservation system. The Indian office : men and policies (Department of the Interior
Commissioners of the 1850s
An expanded Indian Department
Perennial problems : annuities and liquor
The challenge of scientific racism)
A pathway to the Pacific (Colonization of the Western tribes
Kansas-Nebraska and the Indians
Military action on the Plains)
Texas, New Mexico, and Utah (The Indian situation in Texas
Reservations for Texas Indians
Indian affairs in New Mexico
Indians, Mormons, and Gentiles)
California, Oregon, and Washington (A reservation policy for California
Indian affiars in the Oregon country
The Indians of Washington territory)
The Civil War years. The Southern Indians and the Confederate States (Tribes in the Indian territory
Indian treaties with the Confederacy
War in the Indian territory
Peace council at Fort Smith
Reconstruction treaties)
Indian conflicts : a series of other wars (Sioux uprising in Minnesota
War in the Southwest
Bosque Redondo
The great experiment
Sand Creek)
The Indian system and its critics (Commissioner Dole and the reservation system
Protests against the Indian system
Proposals for military control)
The peace policy. Stirrings of reform (Doolittle Committee
Indian Peace Commission
Civilization for the Indians
Reform impulses)
Structures of the peace policy (The board of Indian commissioners
Churches and the agencies
Failure of the structures
The end of treaty making)
Military challenge (Indian wars
The Army and the Indian
The transfer issue
The end of the military phase)
Reservation policy (Consolidation of reservations
Indian resistance to removal
Revision of reservation policy)
The Indian Service : policies and administration)
An array of commissioners
Fraud and the "Indian Rings"
Inspectors and special agents
Policies and programs
Law and order)
The new christian reformers (Reform organizations
Christian humanitarianism
Other voices)
The reservations and reform (Dismantling the Great Sioux Reserve
Mission Indians of California
Promotion of civilization
Continuing liquor problems
Opposition to reservations)
Severalty, law and citizenship (The drive for a General Allotment Law
The Dawes Act
Leasing of allotments
Renaming the Indians
Law for the Indians
Education for patriotic citizenship (Promotion of Indian schools
Carlisle Indian Industrial School
Thomas Jefferson Morgan and Indian schools
Conflict over the contract schools
Competition from the wild west shows)
The Indian Service : bureaucratization and reform (Growth of the Indian Service
Civil Service reform
The lesson of Wounded Knee
Replacing the political agents)
Territorial expansion (The drive for territorial organization
Invasion of the Indian territory
Defeat of the five civilized tribes
Oklahoma statehood)
The nation's wards. The Indian Office : the Indians' guardian (Progressives in the Indian Office
The decline of the christian reformers
Administrative efficiency
Liquor and Peyote)
The 1920s : the guardian on trial (Continuity and development
The Bureau under siege
Investigations and reports)
Education for self-support (The Indian School System
Public schools for Indians
Courses of study
Success and failure)
Concern for Indian health (The condition of Indian health
Initial campaigns against disease
A continuing but insufficient fight
The critics)
The Indians' land (Continuing allotment
Modifications of the Dawes Act
Competency and fee patents
Land policy in the 1920s
Forestry and irrigation
Appraisal of the Allotment Policy)
Indians of Oklahoma and New York (Final dissolution of the five civilized tribes
Removal of restrictions
The scandal of the probate courts
Indians schools in Oklahoma
The Indians of New York State)
The Indian new Deal. Transition : the Hoover years (New officials
Progress and reform
Attacks and rebuttals)
The new reform (John Collier, commissioner
Conservation and relief
New Deal measures
John Collier's reform proposal
The Wheeler-Howard (Indian reorganization) Act
Rounding out the New Deal (Extending the Indian Reorganization Act
Indian arts and crafts
Continuing educational reform
Health programs
Economic development
The bureaucracy)
The end of the Indian New Deal (John Collier's Travail
Congressional attacks
The Indians and World War II
The legacy of the Indian New Deal)
Termination. The postwar years (The Indian Claims Commission
Postwar readjustment
The approach of termination
Bureau reorganization)
Termination in action (Legislative action
Termination laws
Reversal of policy)
Programs for Indians (Education for cultural change
Transfer of Indian health services
Indian self-determination. Turnabout in the 1960s (The new trail
The war against poverty
New emphasis on Indian self-determination
The state of Indian education
The Civil Rights Act of 1968)
Signs of the New Day (Nixon's Indian Policy
The New Indians and red power
Turnover and turmoil in the BIA
Religious freedom
Alaska native claims
Menominee restoration)
Advances in Indian rights and responsibilities (Indian education
Indian health
Indian Child Welfare Act
Indian Self-Determination Act
American Indian Policy Review Commission)
Legal and judicial maneuvering (Land claims and conflicts
Water rights
Fishing and hunting rights
Inherent sovereignty and tribal jurisdiction)
The American Indians in 1980 (Urban Indians and nonrecognized tribes
Federal programs for Indians
Building an economic base
Trust responsibility : the Great Father Redivivus
America's unfinished business)
Appendixes (Appendix A (Presidents, Secretaries of War and Interior, and Commissioners of Indian Affairs)
Appendix B (Indian population)
Appendix C (Indian tribal entities that have a government-to-government relationship with the United States)
Appendix D (Nomenclature of the Bureau of Indian Affairs).
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The great father : the United States government and the American Indians / Francis Paul Prucha.