The Constitution and campaign finance reform : an anthology / edited by Frederick G. Slabach.

2nd ed.
Durham, N.C. : Carolina Academic Press, c2006.
xvii, 613 p. ; 23 cm.


Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
Action note
Committed to retain in perpetuity — ReCAP Shared Collection (HUL)
  • Introduction to campaign finance law and organization of materials / Frederick G. Slabach
  • A recipe for the reform of Congress / David L. Boren
  • Party finance in the 2000 elections : the federal role of soft money financing / Anthony Corrado
  • The future of reform : campaign finance after the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 / Richard Briffault
  • Politics and the Constitution : is money speech? / J. Skelly Wright
  • Money and politics : a perspective on the First Amendment and campaign finance reform / Lillian R. BeVier
  • Campaign finance reform : a key to restoring the health of our democracy [excerpt one] / Fred Wertheimer, Susan Weiss Manes
  • Faulty assumptions and undemocratic consequences of campaign finance reform / Bradley A. Smith
  • On campaign finance reform : the root of all evil is deeply rooted [excerpt one] / Daniel Hays Lowenstein
  • Corruption, equality, and campaign finance reform / David A. Strauss
  • The concept of corruption in campaign finance reform law / Thomas F. Burke
  • Free speech and the widening gyre of fund-raising : why campaign spending limits may not violate the First Amendment after all / Vincent Blasi
  • The structure of government accountability : commentary, back to the future of the American state, overruling Buckley v. Valeo and other Madisonian steps / Peter M. Shane
  • Campaign finance reform : central meaning and a new approach / Mark C. Alexander
  • Campaign finance reform : a key to restoring the health of our democracy [excerpt two] / Fred Wertheimer, Susan Weiss Manes
  • Political equality and unintended consequences / Cass R. Sunstein
  • Format restrictions on televised political advertising : elevating political debate without suppressing free speech / Timothy J. Moran
  • The public's airwaves : what does the public interest require of television broadcasters? / Reed E. Hundt
  • Frankenstein's monster hits the campaign trail : an approach to regulation of corporate political expenditures / Jill E. Fisch
  • Clipping coupons for democracy : an egalitarian/public choice defense of campaign finance vouchers / Richard L. Hasen
  • Reforming campaign finance reform : a review of voting with dollars / Richard Briffault
  • On campaign finance reform : the root of all evil is deeply rooted [excerpt two] / Daniel Hays Lowenstein
  • Tax code section 527 groups not an end-run around McCain-Feingold / Edward B. Foley and Donald Tobin
  • The future of campaign finance reform laws in the courts and in Congress / Elizabeth Garrett
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