Party funding and campaign financing in international perspective / edited by K.D. Ewing and Samuel Issacharoff.

Oxford ; Portland, Oregon : Hart Pub., 2006.
x, 330 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.


Summary note
Elections are by their nature a difficult undertaking. Partisans must be mobilised, ideas communicated, materials distributed, and often across ample territories under terrible contraints of time. Much political theory addresses the forms of democratic selection. We can learn much about presidential and parliamentary systems, or the tension between direct and representative democracy, or the conflicting virtues of proportional and districted or geographical systems of representation.
"This volume emerges from a workshop held in July 2002 at the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) in the University of London"--Pref.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Action note
Committed to retain in perpetuity — ReCAP Shared Collection (HUL)
  • The regulation of campaign funding in New Zealand : practices, problems, and prospects for change / Andrew Geddis
  • Expenditure, donations, and public funding under the United Kingdom's Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000
  • and beyond? / Navraj Singh Ghaleigh
  • The disclosure of political donations in Britain / K D Ewing
  • Access to the airwaves and equality : the case against political advertising on the broadcast media / Jacob Rowbottom
  • Political finance law in Australia / Graeme Orr
  • Revisiting transparency and disclosure in Japanese political reform / Akiko Ejima
  • Financing parties at the grass-roots level : the Québec experience / Louis Massicotte
  • Throwing in the towel : the constitutional morass of campaign finance / Samuel Issacharoff
  • Soft money, Congress, and the Supreme Court / Richard Briffault
  • The law of American party finance / Nathaniel Persily
  • The Supreme Court of Canada's political theory and the constitutionality of the political finance regime / Colin Feasby
  • Elections, democracy, and free speech : more at stake than an unfettered right to advertise / Janet L. Hiebert
  • Developing political parties in the European Union : towards a European party statute? / Stephen Day and Jo Shaw.
1841135704 (cloth)
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