Diversity, equality and integration : beyond the law : a comparative study / editor, Roger Blanpain ; contributors, K.B. Agrawal ... [et al.].

1. ed.
Brugge : Vanden Broele, 2008.
427 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.


Summary note
Discusses how to fight discrimination through participation in the labour markets. Various grounds of discrimination (race, gender, religion, etc.) are examined as well as the issue of diversity reporting and privacy.
Conference proceedings of the International Forum on Diversity, Equality and Integration, Sept. 26-27, 2007 in Brussels, Belgium.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
Action note
Committed to retain in perpetuity — ReCAP Shared Collection (HUL)
  • General reports
  • 1. Diversity, equality and integration
  • 2. The prohibition of discrimination in industrial relations: An overview of the relevant provisions in the law of the European Union
  • 3. Positive action and EC discrimination law: Concepts and acquis
  • 4. Anonymous applications. The AXA-case
  • 5. The diversity policy of the VDAB. The Flemish labour market must show its colors
  • 6. Diversity and privacy: An exercise in compatibility National reports
  • 7. Equality in Belgium: A story about diversity
  • 8. Diversity, equality and integration: Preliminary report on China's rural migrant workers and other related issues
  • 9. Diversity, equality and integration in France
  • 10. Diversity, equality and integration: The German case
  • 11. Learning equality, diversity and integration. A "semi-transitional" view from a Central East European member state (Hungary)
  • 12. Diversity, equality and integration in Italy 13. Right to equality: A cornerstone of fundamental rights (India)
  • 14. Rise and decline of employment. Equity legislation in the Netherlands
  • 15. Diversity, equality and integration. Law and practice: Swedish country report
  • 16. Diversity, equality and integration: UK country report
  • 17. Diversity, equality and integration: A workplace perspective from the U.S.
  • 18. Race relations in the educational system of the United States of America.
  • 9789085847304
  • 9085847303
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