Filling the pipeline and paying the piper : proceedings of the fourth symposium, November 5-7, 1994, the Washington Vista Hotel, Washington, DC / [sponsored by] Association of Research Libraries, Association of American University Presses in collaboration with the University of Virginia Library, the Johns Hopkins University Press, the American Physical Society ; Ann Okerson, editor.
Washington, DC : Association of Research Libraries, Office of Scientific & Academic Pub., 1995.
Co-sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries and the Association of American University Presses in collaboration with the University of Virginia Library, the Johns Hopkins University Press, and the American Physical Society.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
A synopsis of the symposium / Jinnie Davis
Keynote: Is school out? Is academic publishing out? / Lewis J. Perelman
Frankenstein redux: organization and cultivation of electronic scholarship / Michael Eleey
The labyrinth: a world wide web disciplinary server for medieval studies / Deborah Everhart and Martin Irvine
Scholarly publishing in the information economy / Sandra Braman
Pricing electronic products / Colin Day
Innovation in cost recovery / Andrea Keyhani
Electronic journals, libraries, and university presses / Jean-Claude Guedon
Some FAQs about usage-based pricing / Hal R. Varian and Jeffrey K. MacKie Mason
The combined AAUP online catalog/bookstore project: server design / Bruce H. Barton
The AAUP online catalog project: a progress report / Chuck Creesy
Campus publishing in standardized electronic formats--HTML and TEI / David Seaman
Project Muse: tackling 40 journals / Susan Lewis and Todd Kelley
Publishig e-prints, preprints, and journals in the sciences / Bob Kelly
Riding the aftershocks: the Galileo project / Elizabeth Burr
Towards an e-MED: converting the Middle English dictionary into an electronic version / Henk Aertsen
Scholarly communications project: publishers and libraries / Gail McMillan
Five societies: one journal project / Keith Seitter
Naming the namable: names, versions, and document identity in a networked environment / David Levy
The Berkeley finding aids project: standards in navigation / Daniel V. Pitti
Research into the reward system of scholarship: where does scholarly electronic publishing get you? / Julene Butler
Scientific scholarly publishing: a draft proposal / David L. Rodgers
Multimedia patent and copyright issues: the need for lawmakers to be multimedia literate / Fred T. Hofstetter
The U.S. government's interest in copyright and fair use (Executive summary of the report of the NII Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights) / Terri Southwick
Will we need fair use in the twenty-first century? / Georgia Harper
Access to digital objects: a communications law perspective / Patrice A. Lyons
Virtual publication and the fair use concept / John Lawrence.
Other title(s)
Scholarly publishing on the electronic networks, 1994
0918006252 ((acid-free paper))
9780918006257 ((acid-free paper))
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