The Chautauqua desk.

[Buffalo, New York: Larkin Soap Mfs. Co., [not before 1901?].
[4] shaped pages: col. ill. 18.5 cm.


  • An advertising brochure for the famous so-called Larkin desk (aka Chautauqua desk) that was first offered as a premium for the purchase of $10.00 Larkin soap products in 1901. A picture of the desk illustrates the first page.
  • "How Margaret earned a beautiful solid oak, Chautauqua desk" on pp. 2-3 is a fictional description of the "Larkin method" of offering premiums to people who sold Larkin soaps. This one aimed at young girls held out the lure of being able to acquire a desk and chair relatively easily while giving then "such an independent and helpful feeling to know you can do something for yourself."
  • "A Tale of Larkin Soaps" is a revamping of the Aesopic fable of how the Ethiopian was washed white where three eligible young ladies wash their three Turkish suitors' brown skin white, so they can marry.
Binding note
Pub. col. pictorial shaped wrappers.
Other title(s)
  • Tale of the Larkin soaps.
  • How Margaret earned a beautiful solid oak, Chautauqua desk.
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