Eklogē mousikēs ekklēsiastikēs, emperiechousa diaphora mathēmata tou te hesperinou ... / para diaphorōn didaskalōn ...

Manuscript, Book
Modern Greek (1453-)
circa 1820.
1 v. (544 p.) : paper ; 175 x 120 (135 x 90 ) mm bound to 180 x 120 mm


Arranger of music
Library of Congress genre(s)
Getty AAT genre
Summary note
Greek music manuscript containing works of several composers, teachers of ecclesiastical music, in post-Byzanyine neumes. Organized in the form of Byzantine music lessons regarding the Divine Liturgy, the vespers, and Matins. Among the poets and composers named are: Geōrgios, ho Krēs; Iakōvos Prōtopsaltēs; Petros Bereketēs (also known as Petros Glykys, ho Bereketēs); Petros Lampadarios (also known as Petros, ho Peloponnēsios); Chourmouzios didaskalos; Iōannēs Prōtopsaltēs; Grēgorios, ho Prōtopsaltēs; Petros, ho Vyzantios; Kōnstantinos Prōtopsaltēs; Daniēl Prōtopsaltēs; Iōannēs Glykys; Germanos Archiereus Neōn Patrōn; and kyr Iōannēs ho Kladas.
  • Ms. codex.
  • Title from page one.
  • Physical description: 12 double lines a page, 4to, 178 x 120 mm; pages 218-220 and 544 are blank; some leaves soiled; written in black ink with head-pieces, titles, and lettering in red ink; large elaborate initials in red ink; quire [35] written by another hand (on later paper); signatures in lower margin of first page of each quire, later pagination. Former owner's note above title (in blue pen), inscriptions on upper paste-down and lower paste-down (date range 1971-1974); stamp.
Binding note
Bound in paper over hard boards; leather spine; sewn on three raised bands.
Source acquisition
Purchase: Acquired with matching funds provided by the Program in Hellenic Studies with the support of the Stanley J. Seeger Hellenic Fund. 2015. AM 2015-87.
Other standard number
  • C0879 (Princeton Greek MS. 113)
Statement on responsible collection description
Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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