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Encyclopedia of sciences and religions [electronic resource] / Anne L. C. Runehov, Lluis Oviedo, editors.
Dordrecht ; New York : SpringerReference, c2013.
1 online resource.
Religion and science
Runehov, Anne L. C.
Oviedo, Lluis
Library of Congress genre(s)
Source of description
Description based on online resource; title from PDF title page (SpringerLink, viewed on January 16, 2014).
A Priori/A Posteriori / Neil Spurway
Abhidhamma, Southern / Ven. Agganyani
Abhidharma, Northern / Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti
Action Control / Giacomo Rizzolatti, Maria Alessandra Umiltà
Aesthetics (Philosophy) / Charles Taliaferro
Affective/Emotional Computing / Sidney D'Mello
Affordances / Harry Heft
African Psychotherapy / Augustine Nwoye
African Worldview / Augustine Nwoye
After-Metaphysical Theology / Ulrik Houlind Rasmussen
Agape / Per Sundman
Agency Detection / Matt Rosano
Aggression / Maren Strenziok, Frank Krueger, Jordan Grafman
Aging / Gisela Labouvie-Vief, Pierre-Yves Brandt
Aging and the Life Course, Sociology of / Duane F. Alwin
Aging, Psychology of / Susan H. McFadden
Agoral Gathering / Augustine Nwoye
Alchemy in Islam / Sébastien Moureau
Algebra in Islam / Jeffrey A. Oaks
Algorithm / Linda Sherrell
Algorithms, Computer / Vinhthuy Phan
Allah / Muhammad A. S. Abdel Haleem
Altruism / Lisa Goddard
Alzheimer's disease / Rudi D'Hooge, Detlef Balschun
Amnesia / Olavo B. Amaral
Anastenaria / Dimitris Xygalatas
Anatomy of the Brain / Arthur W. Toga
Anattā / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Anatta: Non-self / Ven. Agganyani
Anesthesiology / Viji Kurup, Paul G. Barash
Anicca: Impermanence / Ven. Agganyani
Animal Theology and Ethics / Kurt Remele
Anthropic Principles / Neil Spurway
Anthropology in Islam / Zulfikar Hirji DPhil (Oxford)
Anthropomorphism / Stewart Elliott Guthrie
Apocalypticism / Robert M. Geraci
Apophatic and Cataphatic / Catharina Stenqvist
Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Physics, Discrete Mathematics, Operations Research) / Luis Vázquez
Apraxias / F. Binkofski
Architecture in Islam / Mohammad al-Asad
Arithmetic in Islam / Jeffrey A. Oaks
Arrow of Time / Russell Stannard
Art, Studio / Deborah Sokolove
Artificial Immune Systems / Dipankar Dasgupta --
Artificial Intelligence, General / Stan Franklin
Artificial Neural Network / Gómez González Daniel
Astrology / Nicholas Campion
Astrology in Islam / Godefroid de Callataÿ
Astronomy / Kenneth R. Lang
Astronomy in Judaism / Norbert M. Samuelson
Astronomy in Islam / Robert G. Morrison
Astrophysics / Kenneth R. Lang
ATP / Stanley N. Salthe
Attachment: Theory and Patterns / Pehr Granqvist
Attention / Anna C. Nobre, Mark G. Stokes
Attribution/Attribution Theory / Bertram F. Malle
Attributional Theory of Religion / Jakub Cigán
Autism / Simon Baron-Cohen
Automation, Electronic / Alberto Delgado
Autonomic Nervous System / Max J. Hilz
Awakening / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Basal Ganglia / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Basic Programming Concepts / Linda Sherrell
Behavior Settings / Harry Heft
Behavioral Medicine and Health Psychology / Kevin S. Masters
Biases and Heuristics / Jason S. Nomi, Anthony J. Ryals, Anne M. Cleary
Bible as Literature / Steven Marx
Biblical Studies / Gregory Allen Robbins
Bioethics in Christianity / Edwin C. Hui
Bioethics in Islam / Thomas Eich
Bioethics in Judaism / Norbert M. Samuelson
Bioinformatics, Computational / Fernando Nino
Biological Anthropology and Human Ethology / Jay R. Feierman
Biological Psychology / Rudi D'Hooge, Detlef Balschun
Biology / Sungchul Ji
Biology of Aesthetics / Bjørn Grinde
Biology of Religion / Jay R. Feierman*
Biology, Theoretical / Michal Kurzynski
Biome / Stanley N. Salthe
Biopsychosocial Model / Kevin S. Masters
Biosemiotics / Hoffmeyer Jesper
Black Holes / Russell Stannard
Blindsight / Petra Stoerig
Bodhisattva Ideal / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Body / Jennifer L. Baldwin
Brain Death / Rüdiger J. Seitz
Brains, Artificial and Computational / Hugo de Garis
Broaden-and-Build / Sarah A. Schnitker, Robert A. Emmons
Buddha (Historical) / Vishvapani Blomfield --
Buddhism in the West / Jørn Borup
Buddhist Canonical Literature / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Buddhist Meditation Practices / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Caliphate / Eric Ormsby
Caloric Tests / Pedro L. Mangabeira Albernaz
cAMP and Memory / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Canonical Neurons / Giacomo Rizzolatti, Maria Alessandra Umiltà
Cardiology / Marc W. Merx, Malte Kelm
Cartesian Conception of the Mind / Karsten R. Stueber
Categorical Imperative / Sandra Lee Dixon
Catholic Church and Science / Job Kozhamthadam
Catholic Sociology / Joseph A. Varacalli
Causality in Physics / John R. Albright
Cerebrovascular Diseases / M. G. Hennerici
Chan / Steffen Döll
Chemical Thermodynamics / Dilip Kondepudi
Child Surgery / Dietrich von Schweinitz,
Chiliastic / Hans Schwarz
Christian Cosmology / Anna Ijjas
Christian Ethics / Kevin Jung
Christian Existentialism / Pia Søltoft
Christian Healing Cultures / Florian Mildenberger
Christianity / Lluis Oviedo
Classical and Quantum Realism / Jens Hebor
Classics / Deborah Vause
Clinical Neurophysiology / Paolo M. Rossini
Clinical Psychology / Patrick Luyten
Clock Gene / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Cognitive Psychology / Jason S. Nomi, Anthony J. Ryals, Anne M. Cleary
Cognitive Science / Gregory Peterson
Cognitive Science of Religion / Justin L. Barrett
Cognitive Science Psychology / Justin L. Barrett
Cognitive Therapy (CT) / Jason Slone
Coherentism / James O. Young
Collective Behavior / Emanuela C. Del Re
Combinatorial Explosion / Linda Sherrell
Combinatorics / Linda Sherrell
Commodification of Religion / Alexander Darius Ornella
Comparative Neuroscience / Friedrich G. Barth
Competitive Coherence / Victor Norris
Completeness / Xavier Caicedo
Complex Systems / Klaus Mainzer
Computational Complexity / Gómez González Daniel
Computational Memories / Andrew J. Neel, Max H. Garzon
Computer Language / Nathan Koenig --
Computer Science in Human Learning / Linda Sherrell
Concept of God in Contemporary Philosophy of Religion / Karin Johannesson
Condensed Matter Physics / Minko Balkanski
Conditioning Classical and Instrumental / Michael Domjan
Conditioning and Learning / Michael Domjan
Conformon / Sungchul Ji
Consciousness (Buddhist) / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Consciousness, the Problem of / Harald Walach
Constructive Theology / Joerg Rieger
Constructivism (Philosophy of Mind) / Dominikus Kraschl
Constructivism in Buddhism / Werner Vogd
Contemplative / Andrea Hollingsworth
Control Theory (Cybernetics) / Matilde Santos
Conversation Analysis / Angela Cora Garcia
Conversion / Jakub Cigán
Cooperative Game Theory / Gómez González Daniel
Coping / Carolyn M. Aldwin, Michael R. Levenson
Coping, Psychology of / Carolyn M. Aldwin, Michael R. Levenson
Correspondence Hypothesis / Pehr Granqvist
Cosmology / Kenneth R. Lang
Cosmos / Norbert M. Samuelson
Counseling Psychology USA/Europe / Andrea G. Gurney
Creation in Judaism / Norbert M. Samuelson
Creationism / Gregory W. Dawes
Creative Writing / Erik Raschke
Creator - Co-creator / Barbara Ann Strassberg
Credition, the Process of Belief / Hans-Ferdinand Angel
Criminology / Patricia E. Erickson
Criteriologic Problem / Olof Franck
Critical and Cultural Theory / Eduardo Maura
Critical Realism in Theology and Science / Kees van Kooten Niekerk
Critical Theory / Olli-Pekka Moisio
Critical Thinking / Sharon L. Coggan
Cross-Cultural Psychology / Walter J. Lonner
Culture Industry / Eduardo Maura
Cyberethics / Herman T. Tavani
Cyborgs / Kevin Warwick
Da Vinci Code / Carl Raschke
Daoism / Friederike Assandri
Dark Energy / Russell Stannard
Das Heilige, Concept of / Olli-Pekka Moisio
Data Structure / Linda Sherrell
Death / Jay R. Feierman, Lluis Oviedo
Deep Brain Stimulation / T. M. Kinfe, Jan Vesper --
Deism / José M. Lozano-Gotor
Dementia / Katharina Fink, Rainer Hellweg
Demonstration on the Basis of Two Terms / Carmela Baffioni
Deontology / Joakim Sandberg
Dependent Arising / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Depression / Joachim Cordes
Depressive Episode / Joachim Cordes
Determinism and Indeterminism / Anders Kraal
Deterministic and Nondeterministic Turing Machine / Gómez González Daniel
Developmental Psychology / Richard M. Lerner, Jacqueline V. Lerner
Deviance and Social Control, Sociology of / Stuart Henry
Dhamma/Dharma / Ven. Agganyani
Dialectic / Eduardo Maura
Direct Perception / Harry Heft
Discernment / Carolyn M. Aldwin, Michael R. Levenson
Divine Action / José M. Lozano-Gotor
Divine Creativity / Gloria L. Schaab
Divine Motivation Theory / Linda Zagzebski
Dualism / Roger Trigg
Dukkha / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Dukkha: Suffering / Ven. Agganyani
Dynamical System / Achim Stephan
Eastern Orthodox Christianity and the Sciences / Christopher C. Knight
Ecclesiology / Sven-Erik Brodd
Ecological Optics / Harry Heft
Ecological Psychology / Harry Heft
Ecology in Islam / Richard Foltz
Ecology in Judaism / Hava Tirosh-Samuelson
Economic Sociology / David Reisman
Education in Buddhism / Gisella Full
Education, Sociology of / Carmine Matarazzo
EEG (Electroencephalogram) / Heiko J. Luhmann
Eight Fold Path / Dustin Byrd
Electromagnetism and Optics / Stoyan Tanev
Electromyography / Reinhard Dengler
Electroneurography / Christian Bischoff
Electronic Circuits in Computers / Alberto Delgado ,
Embodied Theology / Johanne Stubbe Teglbjærg
Emergence, Theories of / Achim Stephan
Emotion / Jacek Dębiec, Joseph E. LeDoux
Empathy / Karsten R. Stueber
Empiricism / Carl Raschke
Endocrinology / Werner-Alfons Scherbaum
Energy in Physics / Stoyan Tanev
Enlightenment / Sharon L. Coggan
Entelechy / Achim Stephan --
Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA) / Matt Rosano
Environmental Ethics / Christopher J. Preston
Environmental Theology / Sigurd Bergmann
Epistemology / J. Michael Spector
Epistemology, Evolutionary / Neil Spurway
Epistemology, Reformed / Anders Kraal
Equality / Philip P. Taylor
Eschatology / Gaetano Iaia
Esotericism or Esoterism / Catharina Stenqvist
Ethics / Sandra Lee Dixon
Ethics/Moral Theology, Roman-Catholic, Europe / Walter Schaupp
Ethnology / Pia Karlsson Minganti
Ethnomathematics / Clara H. Sánchez, Víctor Albis
European Studies / Christian Danz
Evil, Problem of / Thomas Anderberg
Evoked and Event-Related Potentials / Alberto Zani
Evolution / Stanley N. Salthe
Evolution, Convergent / Stanley N. Salthe
Evolutionary Prototyping / Linda Sherrell
Evolutionary Psychology / Matt Rosano
Evolutionary Theology / Niels Henrik Gregersen
Exaptation / Matt Rosano
Existentialism / Jari Ristiniemi
Experience / Harald Walach
Experimental Philosophy / Bryony Pierce
Externalism and Internalism / John A. Teske
Faith and Belief / Taede A. Smedes
Fallacy / Gonzalo Serrano, Clara H. Sánchez
Falsifiability / René Rosfort
Feminism in Judaism / Melissa Raphael
Feminism in Islam / Miriam Cooke
Feminist Philosophy of Religion / Erica Appelros
Fire-Walking / Dimitris Xygalatas
Firewall / Andrew J. Neel
First Order / Xavier Caicedo
Five Pillars / Dustin Byrd
Fixed Action Pattern / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Folk Physics / René Rosfort
Folk Psychology / René Rosfort
Forensic Medicine / Jason Payne-James
Forensic Psychology / David F. Ross ... [et al.]
Formal Logic / Gonzalo Serrano, Clara H. Sánchez
Four Noble Truths / Dustin Byrd
Frankfurt School / Jill Dierberg, Lynn Schofield Clark
Free Will / Atle Ottesen Søvik
Freedom / Aku Visala
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) / Robert Turner --
Functional System / T. M. Kinfe, Jan Vesper, Rüdiger J. Seitz
Functionalism / José M. Lozano-Gotor
Functionalism in Sociology / Paolo De Nardis
Fundamental Theology / Paul L. Allen
Fundamentalism / Catharina Stenqvist, Anne L. C. Runehov
Game Theory / Conrado Manuel
Games, Computer / Evan Drumwright
Gene / Rudi D'Hooge, Detlef Balschun
Gene Flow / Saverio Forestiero
Geography in Islam / James E. Montgomery
Geometry in Islam / Jeffrey A. Oaks
Geriatrics / Herbert F. Durwen
Gifford Lectures / Neil Spurway
Glia / Randolph J. Nudo
Global Christianity / Jonas Adelin Jørgensen
Globalization, Sociology of / Francesco Del Pizzo
Gnosticism / Carl Raschke
Goal Programming / M. Teresa Ortuño
God and Devil in Buddhism / Bhikkhu Anālayo
God of the Gaps / John R. Albright
Golem / Robert M. Geraci
Good Clinical and Good Laboratory Practice (GCP) / Christian Lange-Asschenfeldt
Grace / Lluis Oviedo
Graph Theory / Gómez González Daniel
Graphs / Gómez González Daniel
Gravity: From Classical to Quantum / Roumen Borissov
Gross Body Language / Sidney D'Mello
Hadith / Dustin Byrd
Happiness / Lluis Oviedo
Hegel's Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis Model / Sarah A. Schnitker, Robert A. Emmons
Hegemony / Jill Dierberg, Lynn Schofield Clark
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle / Russell Stannard
Hellenization / Carl Raschke
Hermeneutics and Hermeneutic Philosophy / Karsten R. Stueber
Hermeneutics, Theological / Frederiek Depoortere
Hierarchy / Stanley N. Salthe
Hindrances (Buddhist) / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Hinduist Anthropology / Marianne C. Qvortrup Fibiger
Histology, Cytology / Chris Murphy
Historical Theology / Gaetano Iaia
Historiography (Classical) / Martin Ebner
History of Ideas (Intellectual History) / Colbey Emmerson Reid
History of Medicine / Gary B. Ferngren
Holism / Silvana Procacci
Hominins / Matt Rosano
Hope (Life After Death) / Rope Kojonen --
Hope, Theology of / Hans Schwarz
Hope-Healing Communities / Augustine Nwoye
Hopi Religion and Anthropology / Armin W. Geertz
Hormesis / Carolyn M. Aldwin, Michael R. Levenson
Humanism in Islam / Lenn E. Goodman
Humanistic Movement/Values / Sarah A. Schnitker, Robert A. Emmons
Humanities / Carl Raschke
Hyperstructures / Victor Norris
Hypnosis / Dr Quinton Deeley
Identity (Philosophy of Mind) / Gregory Peterson
Ihsan / Rabie E. Abdel-Halim
Imagination / Lars Sandbeck
Imago Dei / Jan-Olav Henriksen
Impermanence (Buddhist) / Bhikkhu Anālayo
In Vitro Fertilization, Stem Cell Research and Ethics / Eve Herold
Incarnation / Aku Visala
Inference of Analogy / Karsten R. Stueber
Information Security / Andrew J. Neel
Information-Processing Models (Philosophy of Mind) / Gregory Peterson
Innate Releasing Mechanism, IRM / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Inspection / Linda Sherrell
Installation Art / Deborah Sokolove
Instrumental Reason / Eduardo Maura
Intelligence / Samaneh Pourjalali, James C. Kaufman
Intelligence, Swarm / Xiaohui Cui
Intelligences, Multiple / Seth Wax, Howard Gardner
Intelligent Design / Jakob Wolf
Intentionality / Bertram F. Malle
Interreligious Studies / Paul Hedges
Islam: An Overview / Ismail K. Poonawala
Islamic Religious Psychology / Amber Haque
Jewish Renewal Movement / Melissa Raphael
Judaic Studies / Frederick E. Greenspahn
Judaism / Leonard Levin
Judaism: An Overview / Norbert M. Samuelson
Jungian Psychology / Carl Raschke
Justice (Philosophically) / Michael Fuerstein
Kabbalah in Judaism / Hava Tirosh-Samuelson
Kamma/Karma / Ven. Agganyani
Karma (Buddhist) / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Key Stimulus / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Knowledge, Sociology of / E. Doyle McCarthy
Koch's Postulates / Li Yang Hsu
Landscape / Jesper Østergaard
Language and Literature, French / Reginald McGinnis
Language and Literature, German / Franz M. Eybl --
Language and Literature, Hebrew / Yaffa Weisman
Language and Literature, Spanish / Michelle M. Hamilton
Languages and Literature, Africa / Ibigbolade S. Aderibigbe
Lateral Inhibition / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Latino Studies / Luis Leon
Learning / Eichenbaum Howard
Liberal Theology / Olli-Pekka Moisio
Liberation, Theology of / Edmund Arens
Life Course, life cycle, life history, life span and life stage / Duane F. Alwin
Limbic System / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Liminality / Augustine Nwoye
Logic in Buddhism / Karim Fathi
Logic in Islam / Carmela Baffioni
Logic, Informal / Gonzalo Serrano, Clara H. Sánchez
Logic, Predicate / Miguel Palomino
Logos / Andrea Hollingsworth
Love (Affective, Sexual) / Roland Karo
Love (Alterity, Relationship) / Cristobal Solares
Magic / Sørensen Jesper
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) / Joachim Gross
Mahāyāna Buddhism/Vajrayāna Buddhism / Karim Fathi
Markov Process / Gómez González Daniel
Materialism / René Rosfort
Mathematics in Islam General / Jeffrey A. Oaks
Mathematics in Judaism / Ilana Wartenberg
Mathematics and Religion / Javier Leach
Mathematics in Human Learning / Inés Ma Gómez-Chacón
Mathematics in Latin America, History / Clara H. Sánchez, Víctor Albis
Mathematics, Ancient and Medieval / Javier Leach
Mathematics, Early / Javier Leach
Mathematics, Formal and Contemporary / Javier Leach
Mathematics, Modern / Javier Leach
Maya Religion / John J. McGraw
Meaning, the Concept of / Anders Kraal
Meaning-System Analysis / Jakub Cigán
Mechanico-materialism / Carl Raschke
Mechanics / Nikola Petrov
Media Studies / Jill Dierberg, Lynn Schofield Clark
Mediatic Societies, Theology in / Alexander Darius Ornella
Medical Genetics / Harald Rieder
Medical Microbiology / Li Yang Hsu
Medical Sociology / Johannes Siegrist
Medicine in Islam / Rabie E. Abdel-Halim
Meditation-Research / Ulrich Ott, Britta Hölzel --
Memory / Hans J. Markowitsch
Memory, Types of / Eichenbaum Howard
Messiah / Michael C. Hilton
Messianic Judaism / Richard Harvey
Meta-heuristics / M. Teresa Ortuño
Metaphysics / Carl Raschke
Metaphysics, Darwinian / Momme von Sydow
Methodology in Psychology / Ralph W. Hood Jr.
Mind Uploading / Robert M. Geraci
Mindfulness (Buddhist) / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Minimalism / Deborah Sokolove
Mirror Neuron System / Giovanni Buccino
Model / Anne L. C. Runehov
Model Theory / Xavier Caicedo
Modernity in Buddhism and in Islam / Dustin Byrd
Molecular Modeling / Ricard Casadesús
Molecular Neuroscience / Carsten Korth
Monism / Iveta Leitane
Monotheism / Iveta Leitane
Moore's Law / Robert M. Geraci
Movement Disorders / Lars Wojtecki, Alfons Schnitzler
M-Theory / Russell Stannard
Muhammad, Prophet / Gurdofarid Miskinzoda
Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) / M. Teresa Ortuño
Music in Islam / Sawa D. George
Mutakallimun / Victoria Ziva Frappollo
Mystical and Religious Experience / Catharina Stenqvist
Mysticism / Catharina Stenqvist
Mysticism in Islam / Richard J. McGregor
Myth / Angela Ales Bello
Myths / Gregory Allen Robbins
Nag Hammadi Library / Carl Raschke
Names of God / Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Narrative Psychology / Ulrike Popp-Baier
Native American Religions / John J. McGraw
Native American Studies / Soch Patrick
Natural Language Processing / Vasile Rus
Natural Sciences in Judaism / Norman Solomon
Natural Selection / Saverio Forestiero
Natural Theology / Peter Barrett
Naturalism, Ontological and Methodological / René Rosfort
Near-Death Experiences / Michael N. Marsh
Negative Theology / William Franke, Chance Brandon Woods
Neglect / Giuseppe Vallar, Nadia Bolognini
Neoplatonism / Victoria Ziva Frappollo
Neopragmatism / Sami Pihlström
Neuroethics / Kathinka Evers --
Neuroethology / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Neuroimaging / Rüdiger J. Seitz
Neuroimaging Technologies / Rüdiger Kummer von ... [et al.]
Neurology in Asia / Peter Qi Bi, Hua Zhang, Ying Li
Neurology in Europe / Rüdiger J. Seitz
Neuromodulation / Wilhelm E. Eisner
Neuron / Randolph J. Nudo
Neuropathology / Herbert Budka
Neurophysiology / Heiko J. Luhmann
Neuropsychology / Steven A. Rogers, Deborah A. Lowe
Neuroradiology / Rüdiger von Kummer
Neurosurgery / Wilhelm E. Eisner
Neurotheology / Andrew Newberg
Neurotology / Pedro L. Mangabeira Albernaz
Neurotransplantation / Wilhelm E. Eisner
New Age Religions / Justin E. Lane
Nondualism / Karim Fathi
Non-duality / Carolyn M. Aldwin, Michael R. Levenson
Nonreductive Physicalism / Nancey Murphy
Numinous/Numinosity / Sharon L. Coggan
Nuptial-Marian Ecclesiology / Andrea Hollingsworth
Nyāya / Karim Fathi
Nystagmography / Pedro L. Mangabeira Albernaz
Objectivity in the Human Sciences / Sharon Rider
Object-Oriented (OO) Programming / Linda Sherrell
Obstetrics / James Drife
Occupational Therapy / Leeanne Carey, Carolyn Baum
Oculomotor Control / Frank Bremmer
Online Religion / Christopher Helland
Ontic Evil(or Physical, Nonmoral, or Premoral Evil) / Nadia Delicata
Ontological Arguments / Anders Kraal
Ontology / Anders Kraal
Operations Research in Applied Mathematics / M. Teresa Ortuño
Optics in Islam / Nader El-Bizri
Organizational Behavior / Peter C. Hill
Orthodox Theology / Svetoslav Ribolov
Orthodoxy / Carl Raschke
Pain (Suffering) / Christopher Southgate
Pain Medicine / Min Zhuo
Pan-Buddhist Core Themes/Terms Relevant for Buddhist Psychology / G. T. Maurits Kwee
Panentheism / Marie Vejrup Nielsen
Pan-Indian Movement / Soch Patrick
Pan-Indianism / John J. McGraw
Pāramitā / Toshiichi Endo
Particle Physics / Eugenio Del Nobile, Michele Cascella --
Passion and Emotion, Theories of / Charles Taliaferro
Pastoral Theology, Roman-Catholic, Europe / Norbert Mette
Pavlovian Conditioning / Michael Domjan
PBUH (an Abbreviation) / Rabie E. Abdel-Halim
Pediatric Gastroenterology / Alfredo Guarino, John Walker-Smith
Pentecostalism / Jan-Åke Alvarsson
Perception / E. Bruce Goldstein
Perceptual Systems, Gibsonian / Harry Heft
Performance Art / Deborah Sokolove
Perinatal / Neil Spurway
Personalism / Jan Olof Bengtsson
Personality Psychology / Dan P. McAdams
Personhood and Scientific Methodology / René Rosfort
Phenomenology / Charles Taliaferro
Phenomenology of Religion / Jakub Cigán
Philosophical Anthropology / Paul Gilbert
Philosophical Naturalism / Gregory Peterson
Philosophy in Islam / Nader El-Bizri
Philosophy in Judaism / Victoria Ziva Frappollo
Philosophy of Language / Ivan Colagè
Philosophy of Mind / Gregory Peterson
Philosophy of Religion / Catharina Stenqvist, Anne L. C. Runehov
Philosophy of Science / Arthur Cunningham
Physical Anthropology (Paleoanthropology) / Crevecoeur Isabelle, Marie Claire Van Dyck
Physicalism / Roger Trigg
Physics / John R. Albright
Physics in Buddhism / William L. Ames*
Physics in Catholicism / Philippe Gagnon
Physics in Christianity / Alexei Nesteruk
Physics in Judaism / David W. Nelson
Physics and Orthodoxy (Physics and Eastern Christian Theology) / Archbishop Lazar Puhalo
Physics in Protestantism / Carl Raschke
Physics, Science in Islam / Pervez Hoodbhoy
Physiotherapy / Thomes Platz
Pilgrimage / Jesper Østergaard
Planck Length / Russell Stannard
Planck Time / Russell Stannard
Plasticity / Randolph J. Nudo
Plot / Ulrike Popp-Baier
Pluralism (Religious) / Willy Pfändtner
Poetry / Christina Mengert
Political Theology, Theological Politics / Thomas Ekstrand --
Political Theory / Philip P. Taylor
Polytheism / Iveta Leitane
Popular Culture and the Mass Media, Sociology of / Michele Sorice
Positive Psychology / Sarah A. Schnitker, Robert A. Emmons
Positivism/Neopositivism / Karim Fathi
Posthuman Condition / Michele Farisco
Postliberal Theology / Mattias Martinson
Practical Theology / Bent Flemming Nielsen
Pragmatism (Theological Interpretations) / Kenneth Nordgren
Pragmatism on Religion and Science / Ulf Zackariasson
Prion / Li Yang Hsu
Prions and Memory / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Prismatic Theology / Carol S. Wimmer
Probability and Statistics / Victoria López
Process Theology / Darren Iammarino
Progressive Judaism / Daniel R. Langton
Protestant Reformation / Carl Raschke
Psychiatry in America / Ethel S. Person
Psychiatry in Europe / Oliver Gruber
Psychoanalysis/Depth Psychology / Jozef Corveleyn, Patrick Luyten
Psychobiography / Jacob A. Belzen
Psychohistory / Jacob A. Belzen
Psycholinguistics / Trevor A. Harley
Psychology in Buddhism / G. T. Maurits Kwee
Psychology in Judaism / Norbert M. Samuelson
Psychology of Religion / Raymond F. Paloutzian
Psychology of Religion China/Asia / Yongsheng Chen, Yiqing Wang
Psychotherapy in Africa / Augustine Nwoye
Pulmonary / F. Dennis McCool
Qualia / Gregory Peterson
Quantum Chemistry / Ricard Casadesús
Quantum Computing / Mika Hirvensalo
Quantum Theory / Dewdney Christopher
Quantum Theory, Generalized / Nikolaus von Stillfried
Quarks / John R. Albright
Queer Theology / Alexander Darius Ornella
Qur'an / Toby Mayer
Radical Orthodoxy / Mattias Martinson
Randomized Controlled Trial / Kevin S. Masters
Rationality (Philosophical) / Charles Taliaferro
Reafference Principle / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Realisms in Philosophy of Religion / Eberhard Herrmann
Reality in Buddhism / Klaus-Dieter Mathes --
Recovery / Steven Cramer
Recursion / Linda Sherrell
Redemption in Judaism / Norbert M. Samuelson
Reductionism / John R. Albright, Anne L. C. Runehov
Relational Ontology / Gloria L. Schaab
Relations in Buddhism / Ven. Agganyani
Relativity / Russell Stannard
Religion and Pseudoscience / Sven Ove Hansson
Religion, History of / Christa Shusko
Religion, Sociology of / Roberto Cipriani
Religion, Theory of / Victor E. Taylor
Religionswissenschaft / Carl Raschke
Religiosity / Hans-Ferdinand Angel
Religious Coping / Carolyn M. Aldwin, Michael R. Levenson
Religious Education Theory, Roman-Catholic, Southern Europe / Ulrich Hemel
Religious Education, Protestant / William H. Jeynes
Religious Experiences / Anne L. C. Runehov
Religious Studies / Sharon L. Coggan
Religious/Spiritual Marketplace / Alexander Darius Ornella
Revealed Knowledge / Carl Raschke
Revelation / Mark Sluys
Revelation in Judaism / Norbert M. Samuelson
Risk Analysis / Linda Sherrell
Ritual / Maria Liljas Stålhandske
Robot Emotions / Kolja Kühnlenz
Robot Programming / Nathan Koenig
Robotics and Religion / Robert M. Geraci
Robot Societies / Klaus Mainzer
Romantic / Roland Karo
Sacrament / Andrea Hollingsworth
Schizophrenia / Christian Lange-Asschenfeldt
Science and Kabbalah / Brian Les Lancaster
Science and Religion Dialogue and the Interreligious Dialogue / Viggo Mortensen
Science and Scientific Knowledge, Sociology of / Charles Thorpe
Science in Buddhism / Jason Slone
Science in Islam, Classification / Godefroid de Callataÿ
Science in Islam, Transmission / Godefroid de Callataÿ
Scientism / Mikael Stenmark
Scientist-Practitioner / Kevin S. Masters
Second Law of Thermodynamics / Russell Stannard
Secular / Leonard Levin
Secularism in Judaism / Leonard Levin
Secularization, Secularity, Secularism / Hans Raun Iversen --
Selection Pressures / Matt Rosano
Self / Olli-Pekka Vainio
Self Organization / Richard M. Lerner, Jacqueline V. Lerner
Self, From a Psychological Perspective / Alex Gillespie
Self-Actualization / Sarah A. Schnitker, Robert A. Emmons
Semantics / Dennis Bielfeldt
Semiotics / Andrew Robinson
Sense-Datum Theory, The / Catharina Stenqvist, Anne L. C. Runehov
Sensory Cortex / Neil Spurway
Sex and Gender / Giuseppina Ianniello
Sex Drive, The / Roland Karo
Simulation Theory / Henrik Bohlin
Simulators / Nathan Koenig
Sin (Vice, Human Limits, Negativity) / Jay R. Feierman
Singularity / Robert M. Geraci
Skinner Box / Jörg-Peter Ewert
Sleep Medicine / Geert Mayer
SLI / Trevor A. Harley
Social Construction in Psychology / Kenneth J. Gergen
Social Interaction Explanations / Patricia E. Erickson
Social Neuroscience / Kai Vogeley
Social Psychology / Brian R. Uldall
Software Engineering / Linda Sherrell
Soul / Paul L. Allen
Space / Russell Stannard
Space and Time / Arthur Cunningham
Spandrel / Matt Rosano
Speech / Kenneth Hugdahl
Spirituality, African / Augustine Nwoye
Spirituality and Christian Theology / Andrea Hollingsworth
Split-Brain Research / Steven A. Rogers, Deborah A. Lowe
Sport, Sociology of / Joseph Maguire
Stereotactic Surgery / Wilhelm E. Eisner
Stress / Carolyn M. Aldwin, Michael R. Levenson
String Theory / Russell Stannard
Supervenience / Gregory Peterson
Surgery / F. Catena
Synapse / Neil Spurway
Systematic Theology / Jan-Olav Henriksen
Systems Approach / Kevin S. Masters
Systems Theory / Nancey Murphy
Tawhid / Rabie E. Abdel-Halim
Technonature and Theology / Anne Kull
Theater / Donnalee Dox
Theism, Classical / Anders Kraal
Theistic Naturalism / Christopher C. Knight
Theological Anthropology / Lluis Oviedo --
Theology / Katarina Westerlund
Theology in Judaism / Norbert M. Samuelson
Theology in Islam / Timothy J. Winter
Theoretical Psychology / Henderikus J. Stam
Theory of Mind / Anne L. C. Runehov
Theory of Relativity, The / Russell Stannard
Theravada Buddhism / Karim Fathi
Thorn of Alterity / Alexander Darius Ornella
Time / Russell Stannard
Time Reversal Invariance / Russell Stannard
Torah / Norbert M. Samuelson
Transcendence and Immanence / Iveta Leitane
Transcendental Sense of Physics / Alexei Nesteruk
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation / Ulf Ziemann
Transfusion Medicine / Morris Aaron Blajchman
Transpersonal Studies / Glenn Hartelius, Harris Friedman, Adrian Andreescu
Truth / Anders Kraal
Truths, Four Noble / Bhikkhu Anālayo
Typologies in Science and Religion / Mikael Stenmark
Ubuntu / Augustine Nwoye
UFO Cults / Justin E. Lane
Upper Paleolithic / Matt Rosano
Urology / Rüdiger Heicappell
Utilitarianism / Joakim Sandberg
Violence / Nadia Delicata
Vipassanā / Ven. Agganyani
Virtual Particles / Russell Stannard
Virtue / Olli-Pekka Vainio
Virtue Ethics / Carl Raschke, Joshua Ramos
Voluntary Movement / Giacomo Rizzolatti, Maria Alessandra Umiltà
Walkthrough / Linda Sherrell
Waterfall Model / Linda Sherrell
Western Psychotherapy / Augustine Nwoye
Wisdom (Philosophically) / Charles Taliaferro
Women in Buddhism / Bhikkhu Anālayo
World Health Organization International / Leeanne Carey, Carolyn Baum.
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1402082657 (electronic bk.)
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