Music anthology.

Petros, ho Peloponnēsios, approximately 1730-approximately 1778 [Browse]
Musical score, Manuscript
Modern Greek (1453-)
circa 1820.
484 pages : paper ; 165 x 110 (125 x 75) mm bound to 169 x 113 mm


Copies in the Library

Location Call Number Status Location Service Notes
Special Collections - Manuscripts C0879 (Princeton Greek MS. 92) Browse related items Reading Room Request


    Library of Congress genre(s)
    Summary note
    Anthology of hymns for vespers (especially in the evenings Sundays of Lent) and other parts of the liturgy, composed by Petros Lampadarios and others. Among other hymnographers named are: Iakōvos Prōtopsaltēs, Daniēl Prōtopsaltēs, Grēgorios Prōtopsaltēs, Geōrgios ho Krēs, Iōannēs Protopsaltēs, and Manouēl Prōtopsaltēs. Head-title on fol. 1r reads: "archē syn theō hagiō kai tōn idiomelōn tēs hagias tessarakostēs toy kyriou petrou tou peloponnēsiou' syntethentōn kata to neon systēma' tē kyriakē tēs tyrophagou esperas."
    • Ms. codex.
    • Title supplied by the cataloger.
    • Physical description: 11 double lines per page, 8vo; written in Byzantine music notation in black and red ink; large initial letters also in red ink; signatures on lower margin of first page of each quire, without foliation or pagination. Inscriptions of the former owners are found on page 234: "Athanasios Kollokas, Tripolis 15/11/98" and on page 484 dated 1954: "Hē parousa anthologia, moi edōrēthē para Panagiōtou Paradeisē, mousikodidaskalou kai diplōmatouchou tēs Megalēs tou genous Scholēs. En Tripolei tē 6/2/54. G. D[......].
    Binding note
    Bound in brown leather on hard boards with anthemium designs in front and back covers; sewn on five raised bands.
    Language note
    In Byzantine neumes.
    Source acquisition
    Purchase: Acquired with mathing funds provided by the Program in Hellenic Studies with the support of the Stanley J. Seeger Hellenic Fund. AM 2014-17.
    Statement on responsible collection description
    Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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