The cryes of London.

[London] : Engraved and sold by J. Kirk, in St. Paul's Church Yard, [between 1785 and 1791]
12 unnumbered leaves : illustrations (engravings) ; 94 mm


Rare books genre
  • Title from engraved leaf laid down to inside front wrapper.
  • Kirk active between 1785 and 1791 (cf. BBTI).
  • "Also all sorts of English and Dutch Toys, engraving of seals in stone, steel or silver ; also silver and copper plates in the neatest manner and at the most reasonable rates ; a grotto & water works to be seen free" --After imprint on inside front wrapper.
  • Pasted down to the inside rear wrapper is an engraved trade card (trimmed down to its rococo frame): "Sold by J. Kirk at the Golden Fan, a toy shop in St. Pauls Church Yard, within four doors of Cheapside ; a neat black plaister which applyed to any small wound or cut, heals it without any further trouble by it's sticking quality ; made by Woodcock."
  • Kirk issued his plates of street cries in four pamphlets, only one of which is described (not this one) in Karen Beall's "Cries and Itinerant Trades," as a panorama on rollers, and as cards (cf. Beall, Cries and Itinerant Trades).
  • Illustrations: 12 engravings of London peddlers (after Marcellus Laroon), each with the text of the cry set in a banner caption above.
  • The captioned cries read: Four pence a peck green Hastings; Buy my rope of white onions; Do you want any small coals, maids; Fine Seville oranges or limons; A dialogue between E. Canning and an angel; Cherries, fair cherries, a penny a stick; Will you buy my fine singing birds; Buy my dish of great eels; Buy any ink, or fine writing pens; 8 rows a penny, pins, 8 rows a penny; Twenty a groat, fresh herrings; Buy a sheet almanack, or a book almanack.
Binding note
Publisher's floral-embossed Dutch paper wrappers.
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