[مجموعه پنجکتب : اول رساله در فضائل بنى عباس].

[Majmūʻah-i panjkutub : avval risālah dar faz̤āʼil-i Banī ʻAbbās].

Manuscript, Book
  • Persian
  • Arabic
144 leaves : paper ; 255 x 135 (155-193 x 67-90) mm bound to 263 x 147 mm


Copies in the Library

Location Call Number Status Location Service Notes
Special Collections - Manuscripts Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 47W-52W Browse related items Reading Room Request


    Library of Congress genre(s)
    Rare books genre
    Summary note
    Collection of texts on a variety of topics.
    • Ms. composite codex.
    • Title from verso of first flyleaf, by a later hand; followed by a list of contents which contains six titles.
    • Layout: 15-28 lines per page ; in one or two columns.
    • Description: Rubricated ; some insect damage and occasional staining; some paper repairs. Ink is acidic, resulting in the text showing through on other side.
    • Origin: According to Moghadam, likely late 18th century.
    • Incipit: [رساله در فضائل بنى عباس] باب سىم اقبال و سعادت و کرامت که حق تعالى بعناىت خوىش ذات ولى -- [مثنوى قلندر] صفات حضرت سلطنت پناه را -- [مثنوى قلندر] مرحبا اى بلبل باغ کهن * از گل رعنا بگو با ما سخن -- [رساله تصوف] معنوى گلشن تو وحدت بازدان * پس دو نسبت دارد آن مغز جان -- [فضاىل الاولىا] الحمد لله الذي نور قلوب الاقطاب باشعشة انوار جماله -- [هذه الرساله الاولى من الاعجاز] هذا الكتاب بفضل الله ذي الكرم * النشاءت سحرا لصيدالجن والنسم -- [رساله اصول عقائد] فرىاد بر آرند که ربنا ابصرنا وسمعنا فارجعنا نعمل صالحا انا موقنون خداوندا گوش ما شنوا کشت
    Binding note
    Rebound in cloth.
    Language note
    Persian and Arabic;
    • Shikastah;
    • Nastaʻlīq.
    • 1. leaves 1a-2a: [Quotations].
    • 2. 47W, leaves 2b-10b: [Risālah dar faz̤āʼil-i Banī ʻAbbās]. Bāb 3 of a treatise showing the right of the ʻAbbāsids to the caliphate, with Arabic quotations giving their genealogy.
    • 3. 48W, leaves 11a-17b: [Mas̲navī-i Qalandar]. Selection of mas̲navī poems by Bū ʻAlī Qalandar.
    • 4. 49W, leaf 19a: [Dream of a Sufi saint and its interpretation].
    • 5. 49W, 19b-35b: [Risālah-i taṣavvuf]. Mas̲navī poem containing dates and anecdotes concerning saints of the Chishtī order in India.
    • 6. 49W, 35b-36b: [Arabic poem on the Umayyads and ʻAbbāsids]. Followed by a note in Persian on the qualifications of an imām.
    • 7. 50W, leaves 37b-38b, 57a-144b: Faz̤āyil al-awliyā va majālis al-aṣfiyā / Ghulām Farīd ibn Ghulām Aḥmad al-Chishtī. A biography of Indian saints of the Chishtī order; first entry is for Muʻīn al-Dīn al-Chishtī. Incomplete at end.
    • 8. 51W, leaves 39b-46b: Hāz̲ihi al-Risālah al-ūlá min al-Iʻjāz. Part of an anonymous treatise discussing praise of the Prophet, Sufism, peace and security, relation of kingship to caliphate, and other topics. Incomplete at end.
    • 9. 52W, leaves 47a-56b: [Risālah-i uṣūl-i ʻaqāʼid]. Part of a treatise on Islamic doctrine; incomplete at end.
    On leaf 1a, stamp of ʻUmar ibn Rasūl Khān Vurdī Mayjur, dated 1256/1840 or 1841. Acquired from Widgery, Cambridge, 1925.
    Source acquisition
    Gift; Robert Garrett (Class of 1897), 1942.
    Moghadam, M. et al. Garrett coll., 87, 129
    Other title(s)
    • Majmūʻah-i panj kutub
    • مجموعه پنج کتب
    • Risālah dar faz̤āʼil-i Banī ʻAbbās.
    • رساله در فضائل بنى عباس.
    • Risālah-i taṣavvuf.
    • رساله تصوف.
    • Iʻjāz. Risālah 1.
    • اعجاز. رساله 1.
    • Risālah-i uṣūl-i ʻaqāʼid.
    • رساله اصول عقائد.
    • Mas̲navī-i Qalandar.
    • مثنوى قلندر.
    • Hāz̲ihi al-Risālah al-ūlá min al-Iʻjāz.
    • هذه الرساله الاولى من الاعجاز.
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