Information of Importance to Candidates for Office of U.S. Representative in the 93d Congress [electronic resource].

United States. Congress. House. Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures [Browse]
[S.l] : [s.n.], 1?.
259 p. : digital, PDF file.


Summary note
  • Compilation, prepared by the Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures, 1972 with CRS assistance, of statutory and regulatory materials relating to election of candidates to the House of Representatives.
  • Includes information on constitutional and Federal statutory provisions and regulations concerning election of House Members, text of Federal statutes governing House Members election and resolutions establishing Committee and authorizing expenditures, Federal agency rules and regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, and selected State provisions and laws relevant to House Members election and list of sources used in compiling State law information.
Record is based on bibliographic data in ProQuest U.S. Congressional Research Digital Collection (last viewed Aug. 2010). Reuse except for individual research requires license from ProQuest, LLC.
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System requirements: PDF reader software.
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ProQuest U.S. Congressional Research Digital Collection.
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