[Geological Survey of England and Wales : one inch to the mile map. New Series.] Newport, drift, sheet 249 [cartographic material].

3rd colour-printed ed.
Southampton : Director General, Ordnance Survey, 1969.
Scale 1:63,360 or 1 in. = 1 statute mile Transverse Mercator proj. (W 3°20ʹ--W 2°54ʹ/N 51°42ʹ--N 51°32ʹ)


Library of Congress genre(s)
  • Great Britain. Ordnance Survey of England.
  • Great Britain. Geological Survey of England and Wales. Sheet 249 drift.
  • Geological Survey of Great Britain.
  • North Decimal Degree 51.700000.
  • South Decimal Degree 51.5333.
  • East Decimal Degree -2.9000.
  • West Decimal Degree -3.3333.
  • In upper left margin: Ordnance Survey of Great Britain. Relief shown by contour interval and spot heights. Transverse Mercator projection. National grid system. "Original geological survey on the one-inch scale by Sir. H. T. De la Beche et al. Published on Old Series Sheet 36 before 1845; additions in 1864 by H. W. Bristow. Surveyed on the six-inch scale by A. Strahan and W. Gibson in 1891-93. Published on the one-inch scale, with drift, hand coloured in 1895. Colour-printed in Solid Edition in 1902 and Drift Edition in 1905. Partial revision to 1920. 2nd colour-printed Solid and Drift Editions 1922. Resurveyed on the six-inch scale by H. C. Squirrell, et al. in 1952-61.".
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In English.
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