Manila South, Philippine Islands, Manila City, Luzon. A.M.S. S901 [cartographic material].

2nd ed.
Washington, D.C. : Army Map Service, U.S. Army, 1945.
Scale 1:12,500 Polyconic proj. (E 120°57ʹ--E 121°5ʹ/N 14°35ʹ--N 14°30ʹ)


Library of Congress genre(s)
United States. Army Map Service. Series A.M.S. ; S901
  • AMS 2.
  • Alternate title: Manila South. In upper left margin: Philippine city plans 1:12,500. Polyconic projection. Relief shown by 20 feet contour intervals and spot elevations. Depth shown by soundings in feet. Compiled in 1944 from Luzon 1:25,000, AMS Sheets, 3354 I SE, I NE, 3355 II SE, 3454 IV SW, IV NW; Luzon 1:50,000, AMS Aheet 3355 III, 1944; P. Is., 1:20,000, Manila and Suburbs, AMS Reprint, 1943; USC&GS Charts: 4235, 1941 (Special printing, 43-II/9), 4236, 1940 (Special printing 44-I/21), 4243, 1940 (Special printing, 42-3/23); Phil. Refining Co. Paco Manila, 1:420, 1941; Building Location, 1:11,000 and 1:500,000, Manila Electric Co, 1936; Fire Plan of Phil. Mfg. Co., 1:19,680, 1922; Ft. McKinley Reservation, 1:32,471 (approx), 1937, Nichols Field, 1:9,750 (approx), 1936, Nichols Field, 1:10,920, 1934. Revisions from miscellaneous vertical and oblique photography, 1931-1941, and Tri-Metrogon photography, 14th USAAF, May, 1944.
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In English.
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