An Account of the burning the city of London, as it was published by the special authority of King and council in the year, 1666 [electronic resource] : To which is added, the opinion of Dr. Kennet the present bishop of Peterborough, as publish'd by his Lordship's order, and that of Dr. Eachard, relating thereunto. With a faithful relation of the Prophecy of Thomas Ebbit a Quaker, who publickly foretold the burning of the said city. From all which, it plainly appears, that the papists had no hand in that dreadful conflagration. Very useful for all those who keep the annual solemn fast on that occasion.

London : Printed, and sold by J. Stone, on Ludgate-Hill, over against the Old-Bailey, 1720.
40p. ; 8⁰.


  • Price on title page: Price-Six-pence.
  • Reproduction of original from University of London's Goldsmiths' Library.
Reproduction note
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
Indexed in
English Short Title Catalog, T163956.
Goldsmiths', 5917
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