Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra sive Libri Canonici, priscæ Ivdæorum ecclesiæ à Deo traditi : Latini recèns ex Hebræo facti, brevibúsq[ue] Scholiis illustrati / ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Junio, accesserunt libri qui vulgo dicuntur Apocryphi ... quibus etiam adjunximus Novi Testamenti libros ... secunda cura Francisci Junii.

Uniform title
Londini : Excudebant G.B.R.N. & R.B., 1593, 1592.
6 pts. ([6], 177 p. ; [3], 104; [3], 75 leaves; [13] p., leaves 14-129; 74; [3], 197 leaves) ; 31 cm.


  • The Holy Bible in Latin, including the O.T. Apocrypha.
  • A reprint of the 1590 edition published in London. In the present edition both Tremellius' version of the N.T. translated from Syriac and Beza's version translated from Greek are given. The O.T. was translated by Tremellius and Junius, the Apocrypha by Junius.
  • In the imprint G.B., R.N., and G.B. stand for George Bishop, Ralph Newbery, and Robert Barker.
  • Parts 2-6 have special title page and pagination. Parts 4-6 have special date: 1592.
  • Pt. 1 includes preface: "Illustrissimo Principi et Domino, D. Friderico IIII. Comiti Palatino ad Rhenvm ... ", signed "Franciscus Junius"; "Illustrissimo ... Principi ... Friderico III ... ", signed "Immanuel Tremellius, Franciscus Junius"; "Lectori salutem ... "; Pentateuch; pt. 2: "Illvstrissimo ... Frederico ... "; Joshua-Esther; pt. 3: "Illvstrissimo Joanni Casimiro ... "; Job-Song of Songs; pt. 4: "Illustrissimo ... Guilhelmo, Landgravio Hassiæ ... "; Isaiah-Malachi; pt. 5: preface; Tobit-Sirach; pt. 6: "Illvstrissimo Francisco Walsinghamo ... "; "Typographus Lectori"; New Testament.
  • In this edition the order of the books of the Apocrypha is: Tobit, Prayer of Manasseh, Judith, Baruch, Letter of Jeremiah, Greek Daniel, 3-4 Ezra, Greek Esther, 3 Maccabees, 1-2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach.
  • Printer's device on title pages of parts 4-6.
  • Text printed in verse form, double column, with verse nos. indented in matching type. Title centered at top of left page, chapter no. centered at top of right page; with running titles. Chapter no. centered in column. Chapter summaries in italics. References and notes in margins. Italics introductions before each book. Engraved initials indented over 9 lines at the beginning of prefaces, over 10 lines at the beginning of books, and bold-face type initials indented over 2 lines at the beginning of chapters.
  • Each part has list of books on verso of title page, followed by dedicatory preface.
  • United Bible Societies language: Latin.
  • Title page border is an elaborate compartment , cut in wood , having , in a tablet at the top , a lamb lying on a stool , with its legs bound together , and a knife at its throat ; on a scroll above , " Possidete animas vestras ; " the sides are elegant twisted columns , wreathed with vine branches about them ; at the bottom, between their bases , is a vase and the date 1574. The engraver's or designer's initials 'N H' (Nicholas Hilliard [1547?-1619]?) are at top and below is monogram 'C T.'
Binding note
  • Ex copy spine title: Biblia 1593.
  • Ex copy: Bound in contemporary full calf, blind panels, fleurons, and centerpiece.
Ex copy: Inscribed on title page in ink 'G. R.'
  • ESTC S106974
  • Darlow & Moule, 6185
  • BM, 1. b. 12
  • Copinger, 534
Other title(s)
  • Bible
  • Bible. O.T. Apocrypha. Latin. Junius. 1593.
  • Bible. N.T. Latin. Bèze. 1593.
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