"World art collections exhibitions, Sanisbury Centre for Visual Arts"--T.p. verso.
Basketry: making human nature / Sandy Heslop
Mario Merx's cones / Victoria Mitchell
A basket made in glass: a polychrome mould-pressed bowl of the 1st century BC / Joanne Clarke
A whirlwind of straw: the piranha Atujuwa mask from Amazonia / Aristoteles Barcelos Neto
Protecting chiefs and ancestors: basketry in Polynesia / Steven Hooper
Basketry bodyguards from Central Africa / John Mack
Transforming basketry traditions in the Purari Delta of Papua New Guinea / Joshua A. Bell
Basketmaking in East Anglia / Mary Butcher
Commissioned artist: Peter Dibble
Commissioned artist: Laura Ellen Bacon
Commissioned artist: Ueno Masao
Commissioned artist: Mary Butcher.
9780946009602 (pbk.)
0946009600 (pbk.)
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